russia revolution
Alexander ll assasinate by the people will this leads to the introduction of the repressive temporarry laws . -
russia revolution
new strict criminal code introduced -
russia revolution
university statute restricts academic freedoms lenins elder brother executed for his involvement in a plot to murder alexander lll -
russia revolution
zemstvo act sets up a network of rural councils . -
russia revolution
construction of the trans siberian railway -
russia revolution
under sergei witte's leadership russia experiences the great spurt in industrial production -
russia revolution
accession of nicholas ll ,who will be the last tsar -
russia revolution
all russian social democratic workers party of marxist revolutionaries formed -
russia revolution
Tsar nicholas ll rule over the russlan empire with absolute power. -
russian revolution
russla suffered humillating defeats in a war against japan which led to protests and calls for reform . -
russian revolution
after blood sunday ,nicholas ll agreed to allow a duma , or legislature for the people . -
russian revolution
russia entered wwl and quickly suffered heavy losses in major deats to germany along the eastem front . -
russian revolution
revolts in petrograd forced the tsar to abdicate and a provisional republic was established -
rissian revolution
lenin ansd the bolsshevilks take control in petrograd and overthrow the republic -
russian trevolution
bolsheviks fight and win a civil war against the white army -
russian revolution
third international founder -
russian revolution
denkin finally routed -
russian revolution
lenin established the union of soviet socialist republics under the control of the commmunist party -
russia revolution
stalin became the sile ruler of the ussr and created a totalitarian state -
cold war
Global rivalry between the Soviet Union and the U.S.
Capitalism vs. Communism
Divided continents, countries, and cities