The Russian Revolution

  • Czar Alexander II emancipates the Serfs

    Czar Alexander II emancipates the Serfs
    Czar Alexander II freed the serfs because he thought that they could have full rights like every one else.
  • Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia

    Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia
    Nicholas II succeed his father in 1894
  • Period: to

    The Russian Revolution

  • The Decembrist Revolt

    The Decembrist Revolt
    3,000 members of the military staged an uprising against the newly - appointed czar Nicholas 1.
  • Social-Democratic Labor party splits into two groups

    Social-Democratic Labor party splits into two groups
    Lenin argued for a party made up of only professional revolutionaries, to give to care a movement of experts rather than a mass of amateurs.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    After Russia rejects Japan's plan to divide Manchuria and Korea into spheres of influences, Japan launched a surprise attack on Russia.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Bloody Sunday started off as a peaceful march but turned into a massacre when the army of the royal family was sent out to stop them from coming any closer to the Winter Palace
  • The Revolution of 1905

    The Revolution of 1905
    The Revolution of 1905 was a wave of mass political and social unrest that spread through most of the Russian Empire
  • Russia's Involvement in World War I

    Russia's Involvement in World War I
    Russia was involved after their attack against Germany.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    This revolution was triggered mostly by food shortages, which were caused by a worsening economy and repeated failures during World War 1. Then it lead to strikes and roiting on the streets.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne
    Workers on strike forced Nicholas II to abdicate the throne.
  • Alexander Kerensky becomes the leader of the provisional government

    Alexander Kerensky becomes the leader of the provisional government
  • Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks capture Winter Palace

    Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks capture Winter Palace
    Vladmir Lenin wanted to give himself and the Bolsheviks power by capturing the Winter Palace.
  • The Russian Civil War begins

    The Russian Civil War begins
    A multi-party war that was fought between the Bolsheviks or Red Army and the Mensheviks or the White Army.
  • Nicholas II and his family are executed

    Nicholas II and his family are executed
    Were killed because of their roll in the Russian Revolution.
  • Vladimir Lenin dies and Joseph Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union

    Vladimir Lenin dies and Joseph Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union
    Joseph Stalin outmaneuvered his rivals for control of the party.