The Russian Revolution

  • Rasputin gets killed

    Rasputin gets killed
    Rasputin was killed by the prince Yusupov
  • The petrograd stike

    The petrograd stike
    the petrograd commemorate a bloody sunday that affected other cities
  • The womens day

    The womens day
    women and workers are joined by demostrators until a crowd forms a revolution
  • The tsar orders the soldiers to open fire

    The tsar orders the soldiers to open fire
    the tsar send the military to open fire against the people during these time period
  • Petrograd Military

    Petrograd Military
    they fired again against the people that were protesting
  • Tsar

    The sovient union expanded that also included some soldiers, Tsar was planning to do something illegal that could help on protect his son and him
  • Issue of Pravada

    Issue of Pravada
    The first issue of Pravada was started because the close down of the world war
  • stalin

    Stalin became a member of the Petrograd sovient
  • Staling

    after Staling was released from prison stailing arrives in Petrograd
  • Meetings and unions

    Meetings and unions
    The government of Russia passes the the law on allowing freedom meetings and unions
  • war unchanged

    war unchanged
    Milyukov informs the allies that war aims unchanged
  • The oppositions

    The oppositions
    The opposition towards the foreign minister on his refusual to renounce have begon during these time period
  • Trosky arrives to Russia

    Trosky arrives to Russia
    after being released from prison Trosky arrived to Russia
  • sovients open

    sovients open
    All the Russian soldiers sovients opens during this time period
  • Started to act offensive

    Started to act offensive
    Russia started to act offensive against Austria Hungary
  • The Mchine Gun

    The Mchine Gun
    the demands towrds the second machine gun started during these time period and caused the sovients to gain a lot more power
  • Death Penalty

    Death Penalty
    by July 12 1917 the death penalty has been ntroduced in Russia
  • Kornivol affair

    Kornivol affair
    the beginning on Kornilov affair begin during these time period, he believed on mercy towards the sovients
  • Bolsheviks gain

    Bolsheviks gain
    during november 2 1917 the Bolsheviks gained the power on the Morcow
  • Bolsheviks takes the control

    Bolsheviks takes the control
    The Bolsheviks takes control over Moscow and alson takes control over the Kremilin
  • Elections

    The elections begon on their constitution ,towards that they did the most largest party on the social revolution
  • Bolshevik unity

    Bolshevik unity
    Bolshevic units and several of their demostrations were killed that caused an assembly between continents
  • Russia adopted

    Russia adopted
    During these time period The Russians had adopted the Western Greagorian calendar
  • started to open fire

    started to open fire
    Bolshevik troops started to open fire against the workers that were protesting
  • The stages against the Directory begon

    The stages against the Directory begon
    Stages against the directory begon and it caused an establishment on the country revolution