
The Russian Revolution: An Annotated Timeline

  • Russification and Pogroms

    Russification and Pogroms
    Russification was a name given to a policy of Alexander III. He believed that all cutures and nationalities should be wiped out and that people within the empire should become "Great Russians". His political ideal was a nation containing only one nationality, one language, one religion and one form of administration. Pogrom is a Russia word meaning attack. Progroms to place after the assasination of Czar Alexander II, they normally occured during a crisis.
  • Reign of Czars and the Emancipation of Serfs

    Reign of Czars and the Emancipation of Serfs
    Alexander II (1855-1881)
    In Russia peasants were called "Serfs". Alexander II became Czar in 1855 after his father Nicholas I died during Crimean War. One of Alexander's reform was the Emancipation of ther Serfs (March 3, 1861). The Emancipation had freed the serfs.
    Alexander III (1881-1894)
    Alexander III son of Alexander II thought different than his father. Alexander III brought an end to reforms because he thought they were useless. He was more autocratic than his father.
  • Period: to

    Events Before Russian Revolution

  • The Zemstovs

    The Zemstovs
    Zemstovs was a type of formal government that was established by Alexander II who was Russia's ruler from 1855-1881. Zemstov were local councilis which were to replace courts and governments. They were responsible for local needs in the community
  • Reign Nicholas II and Alexandra

    Reign Nicholas II and Alexandra
    Nicholas II (1894-1917) was born in 1968. He took the throne after his father Alexander III died of Kidney disease on October 20,1894. Alexandra was his wife in which they had 5 children. The next future heir would be his 5th child Alexei who was diagnosed with Hemophilia. Alexei was taken to a monk Rasputin who hypnotized Nicholas son.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    Revolution of 1905 took place after a protest on January 22. The people were protesting about their lifestyle, it was led by Father Gapon. Protesters were killed and shot by soldiers. Many were killed and this tragedy became known as "Bloody Sunday".
  • Duma

    The Duma were council assemblies that were created by Emperor of Russia. It's a for of governental institution that formed during the reign of Nicholas II.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    Revolution began March 8, 1917 with rioting and strikes in St.Petersburg (Petrograd). This revolution began becuase at the time the country had food shotages becuase they had fought in WWI that they had lost so much.
  • Provisional Gov. and Bolshevik Revolution

    Provisional Gov. and Bolshevik Revolution
    Provisional Gov....Duma establish temorary gov. and it was led by Kerensky. Many Russians were unhappy wiht Provisional gov. Bolshevik Revoution led in oposition of Provisional Gov. and they wanted change in government and society. Lenin was the Leader of the Bolshevik's
  • Bolshevik Slogan

    Bolshevik Slogan
    "Peace, Land, and Bread" - Lenin said this
    Peace= Russia was at war (WWI)
    Land= most of the land was owned by upper classes
    Bread= Poor were starving and Russia was collapsing
  • WWI and Fall of Czar

    WWI and Fall of Czar
    Czar Nicholas empire was falling apart. His people had lost faith in his leadership. Russia was involved in WWI but did bad in war because they weren't prepared and their equipment was out of date. Nicholas didnt know much about military but he took military matters and it go worst for Russia
  • Civil War Ensues in Russia

    Civil War Ensues in Russia
    Civil War begin in Russia between White Army (Bolshevik) and Red Army (Lenin). White Army recieved military help from France and the US. The civil war went on for 3 years and millions of Russians died in the fighting. In the end the White Army (Bolshevik) had won the civil war in late 1920's
  • Brest-Litovsk Treaty

    Brest-Litovsk Treaty
    This treaty was signed March 3, 1918. It was signed between Bolshevik gov. of Russia and the Central Powers. This treaty ended with Russia's involvement in WWI
  • Assasination of Czar and his Family

    Assasination of Czar and his Family
    March 1917 Nicholas gaveup the throne. The new Provisional Government of Russia put Nicholas II and his family under arrest, at first keeping them in a comfertable house. After Bolshevik Revolution (October 1917) conditions for family got wrost and they were imprisoned. July 1918 Nicholas II and the family were executed.
  • Losses in the War

    Losses in the War
    There were many losses during the war. Archduke Ferdinand was assasinated. Ferdinand was an archduke of Austria- Hungary. Russia lost bad becuase they pretty much weren't prepared for war
  • Terms of Versailles Treaty

    Terms of Versailles Treaty
    Treaty of Verssilles was a treaty at the end of WWI and it had ended state of war between Germany and Allied Powers. Treaty limited Germans from building an army.