The Decembrist Revolt
On December 26, 1825 about 3000 military members became angry with Tsar Nicholas I because they didn't believe in his opinions. They became known as Decembrists. This situation was taken care of by Nicholas I though. -
Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
Alexander II is the Czar that freed the serfs. As great as that was more problems came because the serfs had to buy land over a fifty year period and ccouldn't come up with the money. -
Nicholas II Becomes the Czar of Russia
Nicholas II was the last of the Czars. He fought Socialism and Marxism by using his force. He was responsible for bringing Russia into the Russo-Japanese War that fought over the land of Manchuria/Korea. -
The Russo-Japanese War
The Russo-Japanese War fought over the land of Manchuria/Korea. The Russians ended up losing this even though it seemed like an easy win. Not only did they lose but 400,000 soldiers were killed, wounded, or captured. This was beginning of tough times for Russia. -
Bloody Sunday
Father Gapon led 200,000 workers to the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. Soldiers under the Czar's orders moved in and fired. There was 100 people dead and 300 wounded. -
The Revolution of 1905
The Revolution of 1905 was political and social unrest that spread through the Russian Empire. It consisted of worker strikes, peasant unrest, and military mutinies. It led to the making of a limited constitutional monarchy, the making of the Duma and finally the drafting of a Russian constitution. -
The Social-Democratic Labor Party Split Into Two Groups, Mensheviks and Bolsheviks
The Mensheviks and Bolsheviks completely disagreed on how the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party was to be formed. The Bolsheviks were radicals led by Lenin. The Mensheviks were Conservatives lad by Markov. The Bolsheviks were the Red Army and the Mensheviks were the White Army. -
WWI (Russian Involvement)
By 1917, 1,300,000 Russian men were killed, 4,200,000 were wounded, and 2,417,000 were captured. It was a devastating war for Russia even though they entered with the largest army in the world at that time. -
The March Revolution
March 1917 was during the times of major change in Russia. Workers in large factories demanded a 50% wage increase so they could buy needs. 30,000 people became locked out of work. Then Nicholas II ordered the DUMA not to meet. The DUMA disobeyed the Czar. On March 12, Nicholas II abdicated the Russian throne. -
Czar Nicholas II Abdicates the Russian Throne
The army at Petrograd joined striking workers in demanding socialist reforms and Nicholas II was forced to abdicate. He was later imprisoned and then executed. -
Alexander Kerensky Becomes the Leader of the Provisional Government
Riots broke out in Petrograd. The DUMA approve a provisional government led by Alexander Lerensky. Nicholas II abdicated the throne. Nicholas II and his family were imprisoned in a farm house. -
Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks Capture the Winter Palace
Russian Civil War Begins
The Russian Civil War tore Russia apart for three years. The Reds were led by Leon Trotsky and they had support of the peasants. The Whites were middle and upper class and supporters of Provisional or Czarist Russia. Whites had support of world governments. No one expected the Reds to win but by the end of 1922 they were. -
The Execution of Nicholas II and his Family
Nicholas II, his wife, his four daughters, the family's medical doctor, the Czar's valet, the Emperor's lady in waiting and the family's cook were all killed in the same room. The Russian Orthodox Church declared them to be saints. -
Vladimir Lenin Dies and Joseph Stalin Becomes Leader of Soviet Union
After seven years of war in Russia, there was an outcome of 28 million deaths from it. Lenin came up with a New Economic Policy in 1921. People were shocked when Lenin died from a series of brain strokes during surgery to remove a lodged bullet in his head. Lenin was buried in a tomb in Red Square. Stalin took over and transformed Russia from a peasant society to an industrial and military superpower.