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The Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    The Russian Revolution

  • Czar Alexander III (1881-1894)

    Czar Alexander III (1881-1894)
    • Czar Alexander III (Russia) persecuted the Jews during his rule
    • Czar Alexander III accused the Jews of buying too much land
    • He promoted the noble class over the peasants/working class
    • His three goals of autocracy, orthodoxy, and national homogeneity negatively impacted the Russian people
    • Made the Russian people not trust him, which led to a long line of dishonest subsequent czars and eventually the Russian Revolution.
  • Czar Nicholas II (1894-1917)

    Czar Nicholas II (1894-1917)
    • Though rule should remain with Russian Monarchy; his subjects did not like this.
    • Russia was struggling with agricultural, industrial, and urbanization problems.
    • Created the Duma, an elected legislature to help try and make the people happy and change the government.
    • He was blamed for the loss of WWI in Russia and abdicated his throne.
    • Disliked because he wanted to keep the rule in the Russian Monarchy and ignored the Russian's problems.
  • Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)

    Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)
    • Fought over territories in China, Korea, and Manchuria
    • Japan was more industrialized than Russia.
    • Russia lost the war, was humiliated, and it left unrest in Russia. *People had no trust in the Czar and blamed him for the loss, directly connecting to the Russian Revolution.
  • Bloody Sunday (1905)

    Bloody Sunday (1905)
    • Consisted of the working class and wave of strikes in St. Petersburg.
    • Georgy Gapon arranged the mass demonstration.
    • The Czar was not in the city, and so the police chief ordered that they be stopped by firing squad.
    • More than 100 workers were killed, and several hundred were injured. *Marked the beginning of the violent phase of the Russian Revolution.
  • Establishment of the Duma (1906-1917)

    Establishment of the Duma (1906-1917)
    • Created by Czar Nicholas II because he was previously ignorant of the people's complaint about the Russian Government.
    • It was an elected legislature to limit the power of the Czar.
    • Only four Dumas met, but failed to cooperate and agree on topics, so it was pretty much a complete failure. *Started to limit the power of the government, which is what surrounded the idea of Communism.
  • Russia's Participation in WWI (1914-1917)

    Russia's Participation in WWI (1914-1917)
    • Entered the war with confidence and the largest army at 1,400,000 soldiers.
    • Czar Nicholas went into battle with the Russians instead of staying put and giving the country support and assurance.
    • Eventually had to back down from the war and essentially "lost". *People of Russia blamed the Czar for the loss, leading to the Revolution.
  • Death of Rasputin (1916)

    Death of Rasputin (1916)
    • Was killed by the royal family but vowed vengeance on them.
    • Rasputin was one of the most dynamic characters in World History and had a cemented relationship with the Czar and Czarina.
    • The Czar thought that with the death of Rasputin, he would be more open to advice from the Duma and nobility and less depended on the Czarina. *His murder was seen, by the Bolsheviks, as an attempt by the nobility to hold onto power at the continued expense of the proletariat, and led to the Revolution.
  • The Abdication of Czar Nicholas II (1917)

    The Abdication of Czar Nicholas II (1917)
    • Lost support of the Russian Military.
    • Lost the Russo Japanese War and WWI went badly.
    • Bolsheviks took over because the Provisional government wouldn't back out of the war. *Started the Russian Revolution because people lost control and for the first time a Czar was not in control.
  • Bolshevik Revolution (1917)

    Bolshevik Revolution (1917)
    • Fought between the Czar and the workers, who wanted to rid of his rule.
    • Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Bolsheviks and wanted Russia to rule with communism. *Bolsheviks would win, meaning this paved the way to the Civil War, and then the USSR.
  • Civil War (1917)

    Civil War (1917)
    • War was fought between the Red and White Armies in order to determine the next political party of Russia.
    • The Red Army consisted of the Bolsheviks and wanted communism.
    • The White Army consisted of the Allies of World War I and didn't promote communism.
    • The Red Army won the war. *Because the Red Army won the war, this led directly to Lenin taking over Russia and ruling it with communism.
  • Establishment of USSR (1922)

    Establishment of USSR (1922)
    • Lenin virtually took over after the Russian Revolution was over and made Russia into communists.
    • The USSR gained power over the years by adding more than 15 other countries to their regime. *The USSR became a global conflict due to their power and citizens around the World worried that they were planning to take over the globe. The tension collapsed when the USSR did, in 1991.
  • Stalin's Rise to Power (1924)

    Stalin's Rise to Power (1924)
    • Tried to make the USSR an industrial superpower and add countries to it.
    • Many people were shot or exiled if they didn't agree with him.
    • Ruled by terror and made the Great Purge. *Stalin created a terrible reputation for the USSR and people began to fear it even more so, while citizens and other countries that were controlled by this power might want to revolt.
  • Lenin's Death (1924)

    Lenin's Death (1924)
    • When Lenin, who was the founding father of communism, died, it left Russia looking for a new leader, since they weren't reverting back to a Czar ever again.
    • His body was placed in a mausoleum and Joseph Stalin succeeded him. *Stalin entered the next era with Russia in communism, and led them through WWI and making their reputation more dangerous.
  • Leon Trotsky's Exile (1929)

    Leon Trotsky's Exile (1929)
    • He was a leader of the Bolshevik Revolution and was on Lenin's side, but Stalin chose to take matters into his own hands and exile him anyway because of disagreements. *This event showed that Stalin and the USSR were ruthless, hungry for power, and would do anything to be the most influential organization in the World.