The Russian Revolution

  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    Russian army officers led about 3,000 solilders into protest against Nicholas I assumption of the throne after his elder brother Constatine removed himself from line of sucession.
  • Czar Alexander II empicates the serfs

    Czar Alexander II empicates the serfs
    Russia got rid of sefdom. Serfs gained full citzenship ans gained rights such as: owning buisness and properties, and marrying without gaining constent
  • Russo- Japense War

    Russo- Japense War
    Russian expansion provoked Japan. During the war, men and supplies had a week railroad trip. Russia lost to Japan, NIcholas II was very unpopular after the war.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    A wave mass of political and socal unrest that spread throughout the Russian empire. This revolt was unorganized and it included worker strikes, peasant unrests, and miltary munties
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Fater Gapon lead a group of workers (this was a peaceful march) to the palace at St. Petersburg. They protested, then the Czar troops fired at protestors killing 100
  • Social parties spilt into two groups

    Social parties spilt into two groups
    The russian party spilts into two groups the Mensheviks and Bolehiviks. The Bolsheviks were led by Lenin. The Mensiviks- conservations led by Markov
  • WWI Russian Involvement

    WWI Russian Involvement
    Russian"s were terribly unprepared for war. Democracting defaults. They were short of food, supplies, clothing, and boots. Russia was near economic collapse.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    DUMA was incontrol of the country. The army leadership felt they did not have means to supress the revelution and Nicholas II , the last czar of Russia addicated.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne
    Czar Nicholas II is forced to abdicate the throne by the Petrograd insurgents, and a provincial government is installed in his place.
  • Alexander Kerensky

    Alexander Kerensky
    DUMA approved establishment of government led by ALexander Kerensky. Kerensky's provisional government wouldn't end the war. Riots break out in Petrograd (st. Petersburg). The army had a lack of displine, which fostered desertation in large numbers.
  • Lenin and Bolsheviks capture the winter throne

    Lenin and Bolsheviks capture the winter throne
    There was 1,920 mass spectate and they stormed the winter palace. The palace was poorly defended only 10 people died. Bolsheciks were in control of Petrograd and Moscow. By November 8th, Petrograd was back to normal.
  • Nicholas II and Family dies

    Nicholas II and Family dies
    The Bolsheviks captured the family including the medical doctor, cook, empress lady, and czar's valet. They were all killed by the Bolsheviks. No one knew that they were killed until several years later.
  • Russian CIvil War

    Russian CIvil War
    The Russian civil war lasted from 1918- 1922. THe Reds led by Trotsky, had more support from the peasants. The Whites had upper and middle support of Provisional or Czarist Russia. Also had support of world government.
  • Vladmir Lenin's death

    Vladmir Lenin's death
    Lenin had a series of strokes during his surgery to remove a lodged bullet in his brain. In December 1922, Lenin had his 2nd stroke and left him paralzyed on his right side. Lenin died at the age of 53, his tomb is in Red Square out of Kremlin in Moscow