The Decembrist Revolt
The Decembrist Revolt was an uprising created by the Northern Society to convince some of the troops in St. Petersburg to refuse to take a loyalty oath to Nicholas I. Most of the Decembrists were upper class citizens who had military backgrounds. The rebellion was poorly organized and easily put to an end. -
Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia
Nicholas II took Russia into war with Japan, which they lost, and also was caused Bloody Sunday. He also took Russia into World War II where Russia was defeated which caused an economic crisis in Russia. Nicholas II was the last czar of Russia was later abdicated by the Bulsheviks. -
The Russo-Japanese War
The Russo-Japanese War was a military conflict where Japan forced Russia to abandon its expansionist policy in the Far East. Port Arthur's Russian commander surrendered the port to the Japanese. The final battle of the land war was fought at Mukden between Russian and Japanese forces. Japan won the final battle and increased internal politcal unrest throughout Russia. The Treaty of Portsmouth was made where Japan gained land from Russia and Russia also gave some land back to China. -
Bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday was a massacre that occured in St. Petersburg, Russia. It was the beginning of the Russian Revolution. The leader of the assembly of attackers on Bloody Sunday was Gerogy Gapon. He was hoping to present industrial worker's reguest for reforms to Nicholas II. The march was stopped by the chief of security police who was Nicholas II's uncle at the time. -
World War I (Russian Involvement)
Russia and France were allies during World War I. When Russia tried to invade East Prussia, it was a failure and nearly 150,000 Russians were captured as prisoners. The war was hard on Russia's economy. There were labour shortages on food production and also, the industries could not keep up with Russia's war supply needs. There was also a stop on transportation so it was hard for industries to get the supplies they needed. -
The March Revolution
The March Revolution was the first stage of the Russian Revolution. During this, the monarchy was overthrown and replaced by the Provisional Government. This governenment was later overthrown by the Bulsheviks in October of the same year. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
During the Februsary Revolution, Nicholas II was forced to abdicate the throne by Pretrograd insurgents. Nicholas and his family were first held at the Czarskoye Selo palace, then in the Yekaterinburg palace near Tobolsk. After a secret meeting, a death sentence was passed to Nicholas II's imperial family and they were murdered and buried so that they could not be found. -
The Russian Civil War begins
The Russian Civl war was a conflict where the Red Army successfully defended the Bulshevik government against many Russian and anti-Bulshevik armies. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a factor in starting The Rusian Civil War. Nicholas II was murdered during this was by the Bulsheviks. -
The creation of the U.S.S.R
The U.S.S.R, also known as the Soviet Union was created because of the Bulshevik Revolution in which Vladimir Lenin was the leader of. The Soviet Union was formed after the Russian Civil War. Joseph Stalin later became the political leader of the country after Lenin's death. -
Vladimir Lenin’s Death
Vladimir Lenin died from a stroke. The Russians changed the name of St. Petersburg to Leningrad in honor of Vladimir Lenin. After his death, Joseph Stalin took over as the country's leader.