Czar Alexander II is assassinated by the terrorist group ‘People’s Will’
Czar Alexander II was assassinated by a terrorist called “People’s Will”. The terrorist group was made of people who wanted revolutionary change by taking terrorist action to get want they wanted. This including throwing a bomb at Alexander II in the streets on St.Petersburg, Russia and multiple other attempts. The day Alexander II died, he was going to sign a proclamation that would create two legislative commissions. -
Nicholas II crowned czar of Russia
Nicholas II, son of Alexander III, was the last Czar of Russia. He was was crowned the new ruler on May 26th, 1896 in the old Ouspensky Cathedral in Moscow. During that same month, he married German princess, Alexandra Feodorovna. Together they had five children, four daughters and one son.
Nicholas II was never trained to rule, nor did he want to rule. He was never respected or feared by the people, rathered they hated him. (continued in doc) -
Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg
After the defeat with Japan, the people of Russia were left unhappier than they were before. The workers in Petersburg, Russia chose to take action. On Sunday, January 22nd, 1905, they flooded the streets and marched to the Czar’s palace, to give him a long list of their demands. The Czar ordered his troops of open fire on the crowd, killing about 130 people. This caused even more revolts and strikes. The industrial workers formed a council called the Soviets. (Continued in doc) -
World War I begins
World War I begins when Franz Ferdinand and his wife was assassinated in the Austria-Hungary empire. Soon after their deaths, the empire went to war with Serbia. Due to the fact that both countries had their weaknesses, both countries received help from their allies. This dragged most or Europe into a war causing, World War I. -
Bolshevik uprising fails in Petrograd
Right after Lenin returns, he orders the Bolsheviks into a uprising on Provisional Government in Petrograd. He gathers a small army made of soldiers and sailors that were loyal to him and storms the streets of Petrograd. The Provisional Government quickly sent in overpowering troops and ended the uprising. The Government arrested some of the Bolshevik leaders, and sending some of them into exile. Lenin leaves Russia again as he flees to Finland. -
The February Revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations, and mutinies in Petrograd
The cause of the February Revolution (named after the Russian Julian calendar), was the lack of power for the people and Russia’s low economy. Czar Nicholas allowed the people to have power in the government through an elected national legislature called a Duma. Besides the fact that the people get a say in the government, Czar NIcholas found the Dumas unfit for his power, so he kept firing them or finding other means of getting rid of the present Duma. (Rest in Doc, Text too long) -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates
During the February Revolution, Czar Nicholas II sent troops to calm down the people by any means. Instead the troops refused to engage on the crowd, but many joined in the riots. Nicholas II then fired the fourth Duma, The Duma also refused to back down and formed a temporary government called the Provisional Government. Without the control of his people, government and army, Czar Nicholas stepped down from the throne. -
Lenin returns from exile and arrives in Petrograd via a sealed train
On a famous sealed train from Zurich, Switzerland to Germany, Vladimir Lenin, his wife and a team of men return back to Russia after a ten year exile. He then “snuck” into Russia in the night traveling by truck and carriage. Lenin returned to take his revolution into his own hands. This soon lead to the defeat in Petrograd and the October Revolution. -
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The October Revolution - the Bolsheviks take over Petrograd
After the fail in Petrograd, Lenin ordered a more organised attack. On November 6th or according to the Julian calendar, October 24, 1917, Bolshevik soldiers took control of bridges, telegraph offices, railroad stations, and other major points of the city under the cover of night. In the morning, when the All-Russia Congress of Soviets arrived, Lenin announced that he overthrew the Provisional Government and the Congress of Soviet had taken over. ( Continued in Doc) -
Russia withdraws from World War I
Soon after the October Revolution, Russia withdraws from World War I signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.The mains cause of the withdrawal was because of the people. After the defeat with Japan and the poor performance in WWI, the people of Russia were angried with the Czar and wanted change. The Russian people rioted because of the inadequate leadership, lack of food and fuel that the wars brought on, and lastly the rise of Leninism and Marxism. -
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The Bolshevik Party changes its name to the Communist Party
The Bolshevik Party changed their name to the All Russian Communist Party or commonly known as the Communist Party in the beginning of March 1918. They changed their name so they could be differentiated from the Mensheviks and other Parties. After Russia became the U.S.S.R, the Bolshevik Party changed their name yet again to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. -
The capital of Russia is changed from St. Petersburg to Moscow
Lenin moved Russia’s capital back to Moscow, after Peter the Great moved it to St.Petersburg or Petrograd to help westernize his country. In Petrograd, there was a lot of people who didn’t like the Bolsheviks and it was also close to the border. The safest choice to move the capital to was Moscow. Moscow is a centrally located city that was also very far from the front lines of World War I, since Russia pulled out of the war. -
Russian civil war begins
The Russian Civil war begin on March 14th, 1918 when legion began to attack and seized control of Chelyabinsk, Russia. The cause of the civil war was to find a group that can control Russia, and overthrew the Bolsheviks who currently controlled the government. There were three groups of people who each wanted their own form of Russia.
The “Reds” or the Bolsheviks, all wanted communism and would oppose anyone who might threaten their power. (Rest in Doc, Text too long) -
Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed
On March 15th, Nicholas II stepped down from power and the revolutionised took his and his family as captuvies. The family were held at the Czar palace by Russia’s Provisional Government. Aftering moving from place to place, the lastly got moved to Yekaterinburg in the Urals. This is where they received their death sentence from the Yekaterinburg Soviet.
On July 17th 1918, Nicholas II and his family were moved to a cellar where they were to be executed. (continued in doc) -
Russian civil war ends
The “Reds” or the Bolsheviks won the Russian Civil War. Due to the fact that the “Whites” or the Russians and other people or countries that wanted Russia to not have a communist form of government, were spread out due to geography, and the people soon lost a common reason to why they were fighting, because of this, they were defeated. The third group that was involved in the war was the “Greens” or the peasants that wanted to keep their land. (Continued in doc) -
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) established
After setting up six self governing Soviet Republics and defeating the “Whites” and the “Greens”, the Union of Soviet Socialist (U.S.S.R) was formed on December 30th, 1922. The U.S.S.R, or commonly known as the Soviet Union. was based off Vladimir Lenin’s Leninism Socialism. The government of the U.S.S.R was called the Communist Party which was lead by Lenin. The Soviet Union managed the industry and divided up the land into state-run collective farms. -
Lenin dies
Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik party and the U.S.S.R, suffered a stroke in May 1922 and a few more after that. These strokes left him unable to speak, causing him to end his political career. On January 21, 1924, Lenin dies of a brain hemorrhage. He died at the age of 54, in Gorki Leninskiye, Russia.