The Russo-Japanese war
Russian and Japan competed to take control over Korea and Manchuria. The two nation signed many agreement, but Russia broke it and japan started attacking the Russian at Port Authur, Manchuria. The event demonstrate the tsar government is incompetent. -
Russia Industrializes
The economy quickly industrializes and factories increases between 1863 and 1900. Russian became the fourth leading steel leader due to higher taxes on citizens and foreign investors. This demonstrate that the economy is improving and catching up to the new time period. -
Czars Resist Changes
Alexander III sticks to autocracy where he has total power. anyone who refuse or disobey the rule is considered dangerous. By sticking to the old rules this event shows how nothing was getting done or being fix, therefore he is not a good ruler. -
Bloody Sunday: The Revolution of 1905
200,000Workers and their families went to Winter Palace in St. Petersburg asking for better working condition and more personal freedom. Many people were wounded and hundreds were killed. The event shows economic surrerage by the Russian and the unwillingness to reform the monarchy. -
WWI: Final Blow
Nicholas drag Russian into WWI. The Russian were defeated because they were unprepared for the war land many people were Lille’s, wounded or taken prisoner. This event shows the weakness within the czarist rule and military leadership. -
The March Revolution
The textile workers went on a strike and the effect was they were low on bread and fuel or the next 5 days. They soldiers were ordered to shoot the riots but they ended up siding with the rioters in the end. Since the worker went on a stick, this event shows that the economy was bad and the government refuses to change the working condition. -
The Provisional Gov’t Topples
Workers armed themselves and went to winter palace in Petrograd and took over the government, and arresting provisional leader. Kenersky and his colleagues escapes from getting caught. The event shows that they had a weak government. -
The Bolshevik Revolution
Lenin and Bolshevik gained power of the petrograd soviet and in the other major Russian cities. WIthin five days lenin ordered that all farmland be distributed among peasants Factory workers gain control and also signed a peace treaty. -
Civil War Rags in Russia
Russian got aids from many western nation and U.S and it didn’t really help. Russian were defeated and many people died in the 3 years of struggling from wars, hunger, and world wide epidemic. This event show how powerful the Bolshevik is compared to the Russian. This shows they had a weak government and have a economy. -
New Economic policy
The new economy policy allows peasants to sell their supplies instead of having to hand it over to the government. The new government kept control over major industry, but small factories, businesses, farms operate under private ownership and encourage foreign investment. This demonstrated that the economy was improving with the new policy and things were getting done.