The Decembrist Revolt
The Russians Revolution happened in Imperial Russia when about 3,000 Russian soliders protested against Czar Nicholas I after he took the throne when his older brother Constantine removed himself from the throne. -
Czar Nicholas II took the throne
Czar Nicholas II was unfit for the throne. He was untrained and un ready when he took the throne. He didnt want to be the Czar but he was forced, and after a while he was forced to step down. He was the last Czar of Russia. -
Russo-Japanese War
Russia was looking for a warm water port on the Pacific. In 1903 Russia and Japan's relationship was impractical. The Japanese government thought of Russia as a threat so they thought to attack in war. Russia thought since its army was so good they would win, hoewver they lost terribly. -
Bloody Sunday
A group of people were led by a priest as they marched to the czars palace in St. Petersburg. Imperial forces opened fire on the protesters, killing many and injuring even more. -
Russia enters WWI after Germany declares war on Russia
In 1914 General Alexander Samsonov was given control of the second army to invade East Prussia. Generals were sent to meet General Samsonov, and when they did the Russian army was surrounded. He attempted to retreat but most of his army was captured or slaughtered. -
Czar Nicholas II Abdicates the Russian Thrown
Czar Nicholas II was unfit to run the throne of Russia. He wasn't trained for it and was not inclined to run a country. In his time Czar Nicholas II caused much harm and put his country in many wars. But when a army of protested he was forced to abdicate the thrown. -
The March Revolution
The economy was so bad that people barely had enough to keep their families alive. Most people were starving and when they had food it wasnt enough to sustain their family and themselves. The Duma was doing everything they could. -
The Russian CIvil War Starts
Many factors went into the start of the Russian Civil War. One group was fighting for socialism and one group was fighting for capitalism. Many people didnt know what to do or which side to choose. The war went on for 3 years. -
The creation fo the USSR
The USSR was formed when the Bolsheviks were winning the war. So they took all of the countries they had a hold over, and formed them into one big region called the USSR. -
Valimir Lenin Dies
Before Lenin died he tried to warn people about Stalin but no one really listens. He was named one of the 100 most people people of the 20th century. Lenin had 3 strokes before he finally passed on.