World War 1 began on July 28, 1914 and was fought between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. Russia, aligned with the Allied Powers, had an ill equipped army that was formed by peasants and the working class. The army was also untrained and unready for war. -
The First Revoliton (February Revolution)
Citizens began their first protest in Petrograd, Russias past capitol, on March 8, 1917. The protest was influenced by many unpopular decisions made by Emperor Nicholas II. He forced Russia to fight in WWI with an untrained army, resulting in millions of casualties or wounded solders, he took direct control of Russia's military, and caused food shortages due to rationing. He called army solders to suppress the protest but many solders refused to fire and joined sides with the protesters. -
Tsar Nicholas Leaves Throne/Russian Provisional Government
Emperor Nicholas began his rule on November 1, 1898 and ended when he abdicated his power and left the government. With no one to replace him, the Russian Provisional Government took the absent position. The Provisional Government held power for months but began to grow in unpopularity. Russia's army slowly dissipated, due to solders disagreements with the Government, and turned to the rising Socialist party instead. -
October Revolution
Led by Vladimir Lenin, the Bolshevik Party began to assemble armed forces and on October 25, the Bolshevik stormed the Winter Palace and removed the Provisional government from office, putting themselves in control of Russia's government. With the new government in place, Vladimir Lenin was put as head chairman. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a peace treaty signed on March 3, 1918 by the new Bolshevik government and the Central Powers. The treaty ended Russia's involvement in WWI, which was promised by Vladimir Lenin's ideals. The treaty allowed Russia to have a sense of Isolationism and focus on current political problems. -
Fight for Power - Russian Civil War
Soon after the October Revolution, civil war broke out between the Reds (Bolsheviks) and the Whites (army officers, socialist revolutionaries, and many more organizations opposing the Bolsheviks), which later are supported by Great Britain, the United States and Japan. The Civil War broke out in 1918 and ended by the Reds defeating the Whites in November 1920 -
Throughout history, the Russian government has been through many harsh changes in government rule. They experimented with drastic changes in political beliefs which resulted in multiple revolutions. -