
The Russian Revolution

  • The Decembrist Revolt

    The Decembrist Revolt
    Russian army officers led about 3,000 soldiers in a protest against Nicholas I's assumption of the throne after his elder brother Constantine removed himself from the line of succession. The uprising happened in Peter's Square located in Saint Petersburg. To mark the place of the revolt the square was renamed as the Decembrist Square but in 2008 the name was changed to the Senate Square.
  • Nicholas ii becomes Czar of Russia

    Nicholas ii becomes Czar of Russia
    Nicholas II was the last Emperor of Russia and the Grand Duke of Finland and also the titular King of Poland.The last crowning coronation service in Russia was for Nicholas II and alexandra Feodorovna, his wife, on May 26, 1896 and it was decided that they would be the final Tsar and Tsaritsa of Russia.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    The Russo-Japanese war was fought between two empires, the Empire of Japan and the Russian empire. The war was over rival imperial ambitions in Manchuria and Korea. Russia went through many defeats to japan but Tsar Nicholas II believed that Russia could win and decided to stay engaged in the war.
  • Russia gets involved in WW1

    Russia gets involved in WW1
    Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy had come together and made a triple alliance agreeing to support each other if attacked by either Russia or France. In response, in 1907 Russia joined Britain and France to for the triple entente
  • The March revolution

    The March revolution
    The petrograd army had began firing their guns and killing demonstrators. While all this was going on the protesters kept on the streets and the troops began to waver. The Russian army switched their support to the demonstrators giving the imperial government no choice but to resign to a provisional government. three days after the governmental switch, Nicholas abdicated his throne.
  • Nicholas II abdicated thrown

    Nicholas II abdicated thrown
    The petrograd army joined the striking workers in demanding socialist reforms forcing Czar Nicholas II to abdicate his thrown. Nicholas and his family were taken to the Czarskoye Selo palace and held there then taken to the Yekaterinburg palace near Tobolsk.
  • Russian civil war begins

    Russian civil war begins
    The Russian civil war was a multi-party war taking place in the Russian Empire right after the Russian Revolutions of 1917. The two biggest groups were the Red army and the White army. The red army fought for the Bolshevik form of socialism. The White army included interests of favoring monarchism, capitalism, and alternative forms of socialism.
  • Creation of the USSR

    Creation of the USSR
    USSR stands for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This helped to come to a comprisie of confederation involving Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian Federation.
  • Vladimir Lenins death

    Vladimir Lenins death
    Vladimir Lenin, who was the architect of the Bolshevik Revolution and also was the first leader of the Soviet Union, died of brain hemorrhage when he was only 54 years old. After Lenin's death Petrograd was renamed Leningrad in his honor.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Bloody Sunday was also sometimes called the Bogside Massacre. British soldiers shot at unarmed civilians killing some and injuring more.