The Russian Revolution

  • Emancipation of the Serfs

    Emancipation of the Serfs
    By Alexander the II: Private owned serfs were given the right to be free citizens
  • Zemstvos

    By Alexander II: Let each district set up Zemstvos that were local councils that could build/ provide important things for the comminities.
  • Pogrom

    By Alexander III: Persecution of the Jews
  • Russo- Japanese war

    Russo- Japanese war
    During Nicholoas II: Japan attacked port Arthur. starting the war.
  • Russian Revolution of 1905

    Russian Revolution of 1905
    During Nicholas II: Many groups of people demonstrated their frustration of the Russian government.
  • The Duma

    The Duma
    During NIcholas II: Legislative Assembly for the Russian Empire.
  • Assasination at Sarajevo

    Franz Ferdinand assanated in Sarajevo
  • March Revolution in Petrograd

    March Revolution in Petrograd
    Protests in the streets because of poor conditions like no water and the conditions after World war I.
  • Rule of Alexander Kerensky

    He became prime minister of temporary government
  • Russian Coup d'etat

    Russian Coup d'etat
    Kerensky became prime minister, Launched by Vladimir Lenin, against the government at that time.
  • The Cheka

    The Cheka
    Bolshevik secret police.
  • Brest-Litovsk treaty

    Brest-Litovsk treaty
    Soviet goverment was forced to sign this with Russia
  • Assasination of Nicholas II

    Assasination of Nicholas II
    Assasinated in the middle of the night, along with his entire family.
  • Russia lost World War I

    Russia suffered many casualities and people were starving. They lost.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    official ending of the war between Germany and Allies.