The Russian Revolution

  • Period: Apr 11, 1546 to


    Russian feudal aristocracy, Tsar, was named for the ruler of Russia from 1546 to 1917. Possessed the greatest political power in Russia, the last Tsar Nicholas II took his weak obligation to the external war and the domestic antagonism. As a result, his Tsar's identity was ended mostly by the domestic controversies by 1917.
  • Communists

    The believers, supporters and practitioners appeared under the theory of Communism. Firstly it was confirmed by German philosopher Karl Marx in the middle of the nineteenth century
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    Tsar Nicholas II

    Nicholas II ruled from 1894 until his abdication on 15 March 1917. His reign saw Imperial Russia go from being one of the foremost great powers of the world to economic and military collapse. Critics nicknamed him Bloody Nicholas because of the Khodynka Tragedy, Bloody Sunday, the anti-Semitic pogroms, his execution of political opponents, and his pursuit of military campaigns on a hitherto unprecedented scale.
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    V.I. Lenin

    Lenin was a dedicated enemy to Tsarist Russia when his older brother was executed. He became Marxist and in 1918, with a group of followers, he seized power of the Russian goevernment.
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    Tsarina Alexandra

    Empress consort of Russia as spouse of Nicholas II, the last Emperor of the Russian Empire. Born a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, Alexandra is best remembered as the last Tsarina of Russia.
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    Leon Trostsky

    was a Russian Marxist revolutionary and theorist, Soviet politician, and the founder and first leader of the Red Army.
  • Lenin's Older Brother Executed

  • Lenin Helps to organize an illegal group called the Liberation Union for the Working Class

  • Bolshevik

    One of the factions of the former Marxist Social Democratic Party (Formed in 1898). The leader of the Bolshevik group was Vladimir Ulianov, or V.I.Lenin. After the Oct Revolution, Bolshevik established its regime and further built the new Russian soviet government.
  • Rasputin

    A Siberian peasant alone helped the Tsarina's son. Also, under the military depression and the economic illness, his influence aggressively sparked the fire of revolution against the Tsar's regime.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Japanese attack on the Russian eastern fleet at Port Arthur on Feb 8, 1904 announced the public conflict between Japan and Russia. Finally, for a big surprise, the Russians was defeated and pursued for the end of the war in 1905.
  • Bloody Sunday

    The massive revolution happened in 1905 continuously intensified the conflict between the government and citizens. On Jan 9, 1905, a peaceful demonstration on the way to the Winter Palace, the tsar's office and bedroom in Saint Petersburg, became to be a bloody proof for the Tsar’s atrocity. A hundred people died at least.
  • Revolution of 1905

    In the middle of the war against Japan because of Japanese attack on the Russian eastern fleet at Port Arthur on Feb 8, 1904, the shortage of the food and the social polarization raised the anger of the peasantry in 1905. Several strikes and demonstrations taken by workers and peasants were finally been digested because of the compromise pointed by the tsar's chief advisor Peter Stolypin.
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    Russia in WWI

    Jul 28, 1914, Russian support of Serbia was confirmed. Tsar Nicholas II started his mobilization and further focused on the conflict with Germany on the East Front.
    The end:
    On March 3, 1918, the Bolshevik government signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany and further gave up eastern Poland, Ukraine, Finland, and the Baltic provinces. It ended the Russian role in the WWI.
  • The Beginning of the March Revolution

  • Period: to

    Provisional Government

    Established by groups of middle-class and liberal aristocratic members, the Provisional Government took its obligations for Russia after the abdication of the Tsar from March, 1917 to November, 1917.
  • The Russian national legislature assumes its governmental obligation

  • Duma

    The Russian national legislature, assumed its governmental obligation, especially on March 12, 1917, it strongly declared its possession and soon, on March 15, pressed the Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate.
  • Tsar Nicolas II Abdicates

  • Whites

    The most influenced opposition group fought against the new Bolshevik's political power, including aristocratic loyalty, bourgeois and anti-Leninist socialists (Menshevik and Socialist Revolutionaries). Admiral Alexander Kolchak led his famous anti-Bolshevik force in Serbia.
  • War Communism

    A practical section of the revolutionary faith for the Russian Bolshevik communists that stressed the supplements for the Red Army. Centralized and nationalized factories, banks and administration appeared in the Civil War.
  • April Theses

    On Apr 20, 1917, Lenin's document, which was issued after his arrival to Russia, advocated the martial revolution based on the theory of Marxism. It stressed the section of socialism and clearly indicated the necessity of a Bolshevik regime to the Russia.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    Happened in Russia, the revolution deterred the political role of russian bourgeois after the collapse of the Russian feudal aristocracy. Vitally led by V.Lenin and L.Trotsky, revolutionary members massively got into the important manufactural or agricultural cities, such as Petrograd and Moscow. During the night of Nov.6th, 1917, they confirmed the political power to soviets.
  • Council of People's Commissars

    The new Russian Soviet government. Confirmed by V.Lenin on the night of Nov.8th, 1917, the national ruling authority determined its jurisdiction and obligation.
  • Period: to

    Russian Civil War and the Red Army

    The internal conflict taken by two sides from 1918 to 1921. One was the Bolshevik regime, which was represented by Red Army during this War; the other was its combined oppositions, including aristocratic loyalty, bourgeois and anti-Leninist socialists (Menshevik and Socialist Revolutionaries). Finally, Red Army won and further sustained the Soviet's domination.
  • Cheka

    A Bolshevik secret police organization. During the time of the Russian Civil War, for instance, to diminish the polarization, curtail the power of the bourgeois and further effectively solidified the Bolshevik regime.