The Romantic Age

  • George III comes to the throne

    George III comes to the throne
    -His reign lasted 60 years.
    -He introduced new duties on corn, paper and tea, which caused fierce opposition in the American colonies.
  • James Watt invents Newcomen's steam engine

    James Watt invents Newcomen's steam engine
    -More powerful and wastes less fuel.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    -Some rebels, dressed as Native Americans, threw the British tea coming from another part of the British Empire, India, into the harbour.
  • American War of Independence

    American War of Independence
    -The Americans divided into Patriots and Loyalists.
    -The Americans set up an army under the command of George Washington.
  • The American Declaration of Independence.

    The American Declaration of Independence.
    -Written by Thomas Jefferson.
  • William Pitt the Younger as Prime Minister

    William Pitt the Younger as Prime Minister
    -At the age of 24 chosen by George III.
    -He tried to simplify the financial system and reduce the national debt.
  • George Washington becomes the first President of the United States of America

    George Washington becomes the first President of the United States of America
  • Britain at war with revolutionary France

    Britain at war with revolutionary France
    -The French had a weak navy but proved unbeatable on land.
    -A general named Napoleon Bonaparte (military dictator).
    -The hero of the British navy was Admiral Horatio Nelson (killed).
    -Duke of Wellington led British soldiers to victories in Portugal.
  • Act of Union with Ireland

  • George IV is made Prince Regent

    George IV is made Prince Regent
  • Luddite riots

    Luddite riots
    -Increases in the price of bread led to riots in the cities, while in the factories the 'Luddites smashed the new machines.
  • '100 Days'

    '100 Days'
    -Ended in final defeat at the hands of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo.
  • Metropolitan Police force is established

    Metropolitan Police force is established
  • William IV comes to the throne

    William IV comes to the throne
    -The Great Reform Act was passed in 1832. It extended the vote to almost all male members of the middle classes.
    -Parliament abolished slavery in the Factory Act in 1833.
  • Accession of Queen Victoria

    Accession of Queen Victoria