395 BCE
The Death of Theodosius
395 CE: After the death of Theodosius the church becomes completely independent of the Roman State, and this leads to the Council of Nicaea which decides the dispute over the nature of Christ and this is important because now Christianity has become its own state. -
305 BCE
305 CE: Constantine became the first Christian Emperor. This was important because he legalized Christianity in the World and this meant that this initiated the growth of the Byzantine and western cultures and "began issuing laws conveying upon the church and its clergy fiscal and legal privileges and immunities from civic burdens." https://www.britannica.com/biography/Constantine-I-Roman-emperor -
284 BCE
284-305 BCE: He reorganized the empire and split the empire in two sections the Eastern and Western halves. This was important because of this separation now Rome's new capital was Constantinople and this was the east half of the empire. He also was part of the Council of Nicaea which decided over the dispute over the nature of Jesus. -
180 BCE
Marcus Aurelius
180 BCE: Marcus Aurelius was one of the Five Good Emperors but dies in this time and Rome goes into a decline because his son Commodius starts a civil war in Rome and this impacts a huge decline in trade and agriculture. -
31 BCE
Octavian (Caesar Agustus)
44- 31 BCE Octavian ruled tome then from 31 BCE- 14 BCE he became Caesar Agustus the first emperor of Rome but he never claimed it himself that he was an emperor. This was an important because he helped reform Rome after his uncle Julius Caesar died. He maintained to improve Roman law by laying down the foundations of the Pax Romana. http://www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/emperor-augustus