The Roman Republic

By hsab
  • Roman Republic Set Up

    In 509 B.C the Romans overthrew the Etruscan King and set up a Republic. Under this form of republic the citizens of the Roman Republic chose their leaders by vote. However, some votes had more power than others such as the plebeains. These people made less of a change in the vote tally while the patricians vote meant most.
    509 B.C
  • Laws carved onTwelve Tables

    Roman Laws where no longer written but carved on twelve large bronze slates known as the twelve tables. These bronze slates were placed in the forum for everyone to see. These laws applied to all the Roman citizens including Plebaeins and Patricians.
  • No One Could be sold into slavery becuase of debt

    Later the plaeibian civilazation grew to ask for more demands such as the law than no one could be sold into slavery because of the city or patrician debts.
  • Rome Was leading power in Italy

    The Romans would either join neihboring forces or attack them. The Romans chose to do it the hard way and and conquer all of central italy.
    290 B.C
  • First Punic War

    The romans and the Carthaginians forces clashed for the first time. The two were both great medditteranian civilazations at their time. The carthaginians controled the sea intil the Romans expanded their boat, made them better and eventualy one the first of three great wars.
  • Second Punic War

    Hannibal a military leader at that time countinues his father job by leading his forces to the Roman city gates from the alps. When they got to the city walls of Rome he was to weak and could not win. He was called home hearing that carthage was under attack by the Romans. 201 B.C
  • Third Punic War

    The romans went to all carthaginians states and destroyed their crops and eventualy teared down the whole carthagininian civilazation to pieces.
  • Rome ruled the whole Mediterranian World

    The romans managed to control the medditerranian world by strategic and smart tactics. They controled the sea inccluding the land surrounding it.
  • Tiberius became a tribune

    Tiberius Grachus wanted to limit the amount of land that each farmer got.He also wanted to divide public lands and build homes for the poor
  • Marius became a consul

    Marius a former general took power and became part of the consul. He was the first lower class roman to be elected to such a high and important role
  • Roman Republic Falls

    The roman republic fall because of leaders and to much power. at there rate (conquering the whole medditerranian world) was hard to maintain there history as the great empire of that time.