The Roman Histrory Timeline

  • 31

    Augustus ruled the Empire

    Augustus was in charge of the empire until he died
  • 68

    Nero's Suicide

    The 4 rulers Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian became rulers after Nero commited suicide
  • 96

    Senate assasination

    The Roman senate was assassinated.
  • 169

    Verus Died

    Verus was co-emperor with Marcus Aurelius until his death in 169
  • 193

    Septimus Severus

    Severus ruled Rome from 193-211, and in this time he accomplished many of things like founding the Severan dynasty, or deafeating the parthians
  • 235

    Alexander Severus assasination

    Alexander Severus was assasinated in 235, which plunged the kingdom into chaos which is know as the crisis of the third century
  • 284

    The division

    In 284 Rome was divided by emperor Diocletian into Western and Easter empires
  • 476

    The Deposer

    In 476 Romulus Augustulus was deposed by the Germanic king Odoacer.