
The Roman History

  • 3000 BCE

    The history of Roman

    The history of Roman
    The history of Rome is the history of the city as an urban entity and the history of the states and institutions of which it has been the capital or seat over time. It can be divided into prehistory, Ancient Rome, Medieval Rome, Modern and Contemporary Rome.
    In its moment of greatest development the empire created by Rome reached 3.5 million square kilometers and about 70 million inhabitants, between citizens and non-citizens.
    With almost 3000 years of history.
  • 2000 BCE


    In Greek mythology, Cronos was fill d'Urà and GeaIt will be the rei dels Titans i pare de Zeus. Sovint has been confos amb el seu homònim Chronos. In Roman mythology, Cronos identifies both Saturn.
    Mite explains that aquest déu mutilà Urà perquè had been able to baixar els seus germans al Tàrtar. Al seu torn, despite being mutilat pels seus mateixos fills, Cronos els devrava just removed from the ventre of the seva wife Rea. That one, Zeus, and donates to Cronos a pedra embalcallada amb draps.
  • 1299 BCE


    Poseidon is the god of the seas and, as "Earth Agitator", of earthquakes in Greek mythology. The name of the Etruscan sea god Nethuns was adopted in Latin for Neptune (Neptunus) in Roman mythology, both sea gods being analogous to Poseidon.
    Poseidon was an important municipal god of several cities: in Athens, he was the second in importance behind only Athena, while in Corinth and in many cities of Magna Greece was the chief god of the polis.
  • 1291 BCE


    In the Greek religion, Zeus is a divinity sometimes referred to as the "father of gods and men," 1 who rules the gods of Olympus as a father to a family, so that even those who were not his natural children turn to him as such.2 He is the king of the gods and oversees the universe.3. He is the god of heaven and thunder and hence of energy. Its attributes include the scepter and the crown (as symbols of its power), lightning, eagle, bull and oak.
  • 1285 BCE


    In Greek mythology, Hades 1 refers to both the ancient Greek underworld and its god. The word referred in Homer only to the god and the genitive. Haidou was an elision to designate location: ‘the house / domain of Hades. Finally also the nominative came to designate the abode of the dead.
    According to the myth, he and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon defeated the Titans and claimed the rule of the cosmos, claiming the underworld, the sky and the sea, respectively.
  • 800 BCE

    The Ancient roma

    The Ancient roma
    Ancient Rome is both the city of Rome and the State it founded in Antiquity. The idea of ​​Ancient Rome is inseparable from Latin culture. It was formed by a group of peoples in the eighth century BC.C and dominated the Mediterranean world and Western Europe from the first to the fifth century through military conquest and the assimilation of local elites. His domain has left important archaeological traces and numerous literary testimonies. Still today it shapes the image Western civilization.
  • 700 BCE

    Conquist of Hispania

    Conquist of Hispania
    The Roman period of Hispania is known as the historical period between the Roman landing in Ampurias (218 BC) and the conclusion of the Roman conquest of the Iberian peninsula with the end of the Cantabrian wars by César Augusto (19 BC.), as well as the historical facts that make up this period.
    Rome sent troops under the command of Cneo and Publio Cornelio Escipión to Hispania. Cneo Escipión was the first to arrive in Hispania in order to gather support and try to cut the Carthaginian advance.
  • 240

    Who were the romans?

    Who were the romans?
    At the beginning of s VII a. C Roma was a small village located in the Lazio region, whose inhabitants were called Latinas and spoke Latin. More to the north were the Etruscans, a town of unknown origin but of a high cultural level. To the south and east of Latins were the Italic peoples, of origin similar to the Latins. The valley of the Po was inhabited by the Gauls, a town of Celtic language. The south of the peninsula and the island of Sicily was called Magna Grecia, Greek and Greek people.
  • 300

    The Romans Of The Catalonia

    The Romans Of The Catalonia
    The Roman period in Catalonia is the period after the Iberian period. The 3rd century BC began with Romanization and ended with the invasion of the Visigoths. The territory to the arrival of the Romans was made up of a group of Iberian tribes and Hellenic colonies.In 237 BC the Carthaginians began their military penetration in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, ended in 227 BC with the establishment of a state with capital first at Akra Leuka and then at Mastia later renamed as Carthago Nova.
  • 350


    Hercules is the name in Roman mythology of the hero of Greek mythology Heracles, being a metathesis of the Greek name. He was the son of Jupiter, the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Zeus, and the mortal Alcmena. He carried out the twelve works of Heracles and was divinized.
    The Romans adopted the Greek version of their life and works without essential changes, but added their own anecdotal details, some of them linking the hero with the geography of the western Mediterranean.
  • 400

    The Spartans

    The Spartans
    The Spartan army was the military force of the state city of Sparta, one of the most important in the history of ancient Greece. The army constituted the main pillar of the Spartan state, in which the first and main obligation of its citizens was to become good soldiers. At the peak of Sparta, between the 6th and 4th centuries BC
  • 476

    The fall of the Roman Empire

    The fall of the Roman Empire
    The fall of the Roman Empire can make reference to:
    The fall of the Roman Empire of the West.
    The fall of the Roman Empire of the East or Byzantine Empire (in the year 1453, with the Fall of Constantinople, which is conquered by the Ottoman Empire).
    The historiographical work History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon.
    The historiography of the decline of the Roman Empire.
    The film The Fall of the Roman Empire.
  • Information of this project

    The information is from wikipedia