The Roman Empire

  • 31 BCE

    The battle of Actium

    After the battle of actium gaius thurnus became the first emperor of Rome
  • 27 BCE

    The Roman empire began

    The roman empire first started with augustus caeser In 27 BCE
  • 14

    The death of Augusts

    Augustus ruled the empire until 14 CE when he died
  • 79

    The eruption of mount vesuvius

    Titus early reign sawe the eruption of mount vesuvius in 79 CE which buried the cities of Pompeii, and Herculaneum
  • 81

    Titus death

    Titus died of fever and was succeded by his brother Domitian
  • 81


    Domitian ruled from 81-96 CE, and in this time expanded and secyred the boundaries of Rome, repaired damage to the city caused by the great fir, continued building projects by his brother, and improved economy of this empire
  • 96

    Domitian death

    Domitian was assasinated in 96 CE
  • 96

    The Emperor Nerva ruled

    Nerva was the 1st of the five good emperors who ruled from 96-98 CE
  • 98

    Trajan Ruled

    Trajan was the second of the five good emperors who ruled from 98-117 CE
  • 117

    Hadrian ruled

    Hadrian was the third of the five good emperors, and he ruled from 117-138 CE
  • 138

    Antonius ruled

    Antonius pius was the fourth of the five good emperors who ruled from 138-161 CE
  • 161

    Marcus ruled

    Marcus Aurelius was the last of the five great emperors, who ruled from 161-180 CE
  • 193

    Severus ruled

    Severus ruled from 193-211 CE, in which this time he founded the Severan Dynasty, defeated the Parthians, and expanded the empire.
  • 211

    Carcalla ruled

    Caracalla began ruling in 211 and was assassinated in 217
  • 235

    The Crisis of the third century began

    the assassination of Alexander Severus 235 CE plunged the empire into the chaos known as the crisis of the third century.
  • 270


    The empire was reunited from the chaos by aurelian in 270-275
  • 285

    The half division

    The empire was still so vast that Diocletian divided it in half in 285 CE
  • 305

    Diocletian retires

    Diocletian retired in 305 CE
  • 306

    The Constatine takeover

    After Constatine defeated maximus he became the sole emoperor of both western and eastern empires ruling from 306-337 CE
  • 312

    Battle of Milvan Bridge

    in 312 CE Constatine defeated Maximus at the battle of the Milvian Bridge
  • 317

    Constatine laws

    in 317 Constantine initiated a series of laws which mandated the religious tolerance throughout the empire
  • 337

    Constatine ruling ended

    Constantine stopped ruling in 337 CE
  • 361

    Julian becomes Emperor

    Later after Constantine died his cousin Julian took over in 361 CE and ruled for 2 year, which in this time he tried to return Rome to her former glory.
  • Period: 376 to 382

    The battles of Rome

    from 376-382 Rome fought a series of battles against invading Goths, and the battle of Adrianople
  • 378

    Rome was defeated

    In 378 CE the Roman empire Valens was defeated
  • 379

    The Theodosius takeover

    In 379 CE Theodosius bring Constantine and Jovian religious reforms to natural ends, outlawed pagan worship throughout the empire, closed schools and universities, and converted pagan temples into christian churches
  • 418

    The fall of Rome

    as early as 418 Orosius argued innocence of Rome's decline
  • 476

    The end of Rome

    The western Empire officially ended in 476 CE
  • 1453

    The Restartion

    The Roman empire continued in 1453 but with the name of the Byzantine empire
  • The legacy

    The legacy of Rome is continued to this day with all of their inventions and innovations