Ancient rome hero

The Roman Empire B.C

  • 800 BCE

    The rise of rome

    The rise of rome
    The rise of the Roman Empire begin back to Italy of the eighth century BC. This was a period of change, when everything in people lifes began to be effected from the eastern Mediterranean.
    Rome was able to gain its empire by showing citizenship. Military expansion drove economic development, bringing enslaved people and were taken back to Rome which change the city or Rome in a good way. this was about 50 years from when Rome was first found.
  • 753 BCE

    The founders of Rome

    The founders of Rome
    According to legend, Ancient Rome was founded by the two brothers, they go by Romulus and Remus, on 21 April 753 B.C that in an argument over who would rule the city Romulus killed Remus and named the city after himself.
  • 715 BCE

    Roman Holidays

    Roman Holidays
    The holidays Januarius and Februarius were added by Numa Pompilius, one of Rome's kings. He also moved the beginning of the year to Januarius and set the number of days to 29 because Romans considered odd numbers. all of the festivals are held on odd-numbered days.
  • 600 BCE

    Religon of Rome

    Religon of Rome
    Each person brings there own god to workship This made the religion of ancient Rome polytheistic, they worshipped many gods. They also worshipped spirits. Rivers, trees, fields and buildings they belived that each had their own spirit.
  • 395 BCE

    The Fall

    The Fall
    Romeface many problems that together allowed the fall of Rome and its Empire. The problems that caused Rome to fall were invasions by barbarians, an unstable government, and pure laziness and negligence.
  • 251 BCE

    The third punic war

    The third punic war
    after Carthage broke its treaty with Rome by declaring war against the state of Numidia, the Romans sent an army to North Africa, starting the Third Punic War.
  • 246 BCE

    The Second punic war

    The Second punic war
    In the Second Punic War, the great Carthaginian general invaded Italy and victories at Lake Trasimene and Cannae before the general eventual defeat at the hands of Rome's Scipio Africanus,which left Rome in control of the western Mediterranean and a lot of Spain.
  • 221 BCE

    The first punic war

    The first punic war
    The First Punic War began in 264 B.C. when Rome involved itself in the Carthaginian-controlled island of Sicily the war ended with Rome in control of both Sicily and Corsica.
  • 100 BCE


    the roman empire had some foods like fish, oysters. oysters were so popular that people would make a whole business off of the bread was also a common food. there was the food they never ate as well aubergines, peppers, courgettes, green beans, or tomatoes, staples of modern Italian cooking.
  • 100 BCE

    Why was Rome so strong?

    Why was Rome so strong?
    Rome lived 1,000 before it fell but it stayed as long as it did because Rome's power was the growth in manpower by other city-states. This higher the taxes that funded the strong Roman Army a