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The Roaring Twenties

  • First Wireless Radio

    First Wireless Radio
    Gugliemo Marconi invented the first wireless radio and set up the first commercial radio station in Toronto
  • Group of Seven

    Group of Seven
    The group of seven was formed in 1920. In the group were Franklin Carmichael, Lawren Harris, A.Y Jackson, Franz Johnston,Arthur Lismer, J.E.H MacDonald and Patrick Varley. They came together to create art that allot the canadian experience.
  • Prohibitation (The noble Experiment)

    Prohibitation (The noble Experiment)
    A legal ban on sale and transportation of liquor and manufacturing, in reason to protect families and children from alcholism.
  • First Nations Get the Right to Vote.

    First Nations Get the Right to Vote.
    The Indian act was ammended to give Canadian Indians the right to vote.
  • Arthur Meighan is National Liberal and Conservative party

    Arthur Meighan is National Liberal and Conservative party
    Arthur Meighan was elected as national liberal and conservative party from July 10th, 1920-December 29th, 1921.
  • Canada Joins the League of Nations

    Canada Joins the League of Nations
    Canada joins the league of nations at its inception. The progressive party is formed to obtain law tariffs for western farmers.
  • Federal sales tax imposed

    Federal sales tax imposed
    A federal sales tax of 1% was imposed.
  • Maple Leaf Authorized

    Maple Leaf Authorized
    King George V authorized to use the maple leaf as Canadas emblem
  • Prime Minister Mackenzie King

    Prime Minister Mackenzie King
    William Lyon Mackenzie King served as the 10th prime minister of Canada. He was born on December 17th, 1874 and passed on July 22nd in 1950.Mackenzie King was not someone with a great personality yet was elected for his good ideas and thoughts,
  • Insulin

    Insulin was discovered.There were over a million people in North America who suffered diabetes. However no one knew the reason caused or how to treat it. Canadian medical researchers at the university of Toronto had discovered a treatment called Insulin. This discovery saved millions of people.
  • Hewitt announces first game

    Hewitt announces first game
    Foster Hewitt announced his first hockey game over Toronto starts radio station, CFCA
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act

    The Chinese Exclusion Act
    The Chinese exclusion Act was preformed to ban all Chinese people but foregin students, merchants and or diplomats from entering Canada.
  • The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF)

    The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF)
    On this day the RCAF was established. The Royal Canadian Air Force were given tasks such as anti smuggling patrol, forest fire watch, aerial forest spraying, mail delivery and mercy fights,
  • Woman in Newfoundland are given rights

    Woman in Newfoundland are given rights
    Woman in Newfoundland are given the righ to vote.
  • The First Snowblower

    The First Snowblower
    Arthur Sicard of Quebec invented the newest technology; the snowblower.
  • Maple Leaf Stadium

    Maple Leaf Stadium
    The Maple Leaf stadium would be the most up to date baseball stadium in minor leagues on Toronto's fleet steet.
  • CBC- The Canadian Broadcasting Channel

    CBC- The Canadian Broadcasting Channel
    CBC had its first national broadcast covering the Diamond Jubilee Confederation on this date.
  • Frozen Food

    Frozen Food
    Clarence Birdseye invented, developed and commercialized a method for quick-freezing food products in convienient packages without altering the taste.
  • The Persons Case

    The Persons Case
    This was a major event for woman. Thid is when most woman went to trial to demand their rights to vote. At that time woman under the age of 21 were not considered "persons" and as a response to that a group called "The Group of 5" went to couurt and stood up for their rights.
  • The Stock Market Crash (Black Tuesday)

    The Stock Market Crash (Black Tuesday)
    The event was devestating to most becuase all of the stocks lost 13% of all their value and everyone involved in stocks had now lost chunks of money. This date basically is known as the begining of the great depression because people lost tons of money. It got so bad the banks were running out of money to give out as loans.