The Roaring 20s, The Great Depression, and WWII

  • Canceled Contracts

    The Governments cancel the manufacturing of war machines in billions of dollars. Economy rebounds on governments.
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    The Roaring 20s

  • The Volstead Act

    Closes every bar, tavern or saloon in the United States stopping any selling of alcoholic drinks. Illegal selling of drinks started.
  • 19 Amendment

    Guaranteed women the right to vote. Millions of women worked in office jobs and could afford to participate in growing economies; for example the Frigidaire.
  • Social Conflict

    Conflict between city dwellers and small town residents, between Catholics and Protestants, Blacks and Whites, and New woman and old fashion family values.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Investors begin selling off lots of shares and stocks on Thursday 12.9 million shares were traded away. Thursday is black Thursday now, 5 days later became black Tuesday 16 million more shares were traded away, because of this, panic swept wall street.
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    The Great Depression

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Roosevelt won overwhelming victory against H. Hoover.
  • American Unemployment

    Close to 15 million americans were unemployed and half of the country's banks had failed.
  • Social Security

    The social security act was passed by congress. This gave Americans a chance to save money