The Roaring 20s and Depressive 30s

By AsherJ
  • Prohibition

    An era in the US where the transportation, sale, manufacturing, and importation of alcohol was strictly illegal.
  • The World Series

    The World Series
    A famous baseball game between the NY Yankees and the NY Giants. The Giants won the game with five games to three, and there were several radio broadcasts on the game.
  • Hoover is Elected

    Hoover is Elected
    President Hoover was sworn into office, defeating Al Smith.
  • Mickey Mouse Enters the Scene

    Mickey Mouse Enters the Scene
    The famous "Steamboat Willie' animation was released, officially marking the start of the Disney empire.
  • The Great Depression Begins

    The Great Depression Begins
    The Great Depression was an era of economic suffering, with prices dropping and wages dropping even lower.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The time when the stock market failed and everyone that invested lost their money and their jobs. The starting point of the Great Depression.
  • The Empire State Building

    The Empire State Building
    The famous Empire State building was completed, standing tall in New York City as the tallest building in the world.
  • FDR's New Deal

    FDR's New Deal
    A deal enacted by Franklin D. Roosevelt with the goal of economic relief, financial reform, and relief for the poor.
  • Prohibition Ends, 21st Amendment is Enacted

    Prohibition Ends, 21st Amendment is Enacted
    The previous Prohibition act was overruled by the 21st Amendment, allowing the sell, transportation, importation, and manufacturing of alcohol.
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    Over farming, when the soil was no longer secured by the roots of plants, and great weather conditions is what caused the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl lasted for nearly a decade with varying conditions of the weather.