Period: to
Woodrow Wilson
Seventeenth Amendment
Established the popular election of the States Senators by the people -
Underwood-Simmons Tariff
Wilson signed the act that re-imposed the federal income tax followinf the ratification of the sixteenth amendment -
Federal Reserve Act
An attempt of stability through the structure of a central bank to be in charge of the monetary policy. -
Panama Canal Opens
A chance for trade and military advancements -
Luistiana Sinks
One of the reasons the US entered the Great War as a result of unrestricted submarine war from Germany -
US declares War on Germany
Zimmerman Note was the last event leading to America's involvment in WWI. -
Treaty of Versailles
-Senate refused to ratify the treaty which ended WWI, and refused to join the league of Nations -
Period: to
Warren G. Harding Presidency
US paid $25 Million to Colombia in return for their recognition of Panama's independence -
Emergency Quota Act
Only a specified number of immigrants allowed into the US -
Sheppard-Towner Act
Act that provided federal funding for maternity and child care -
Teapot Dome Scandal
Bribery incident involving the former US Navy oil reserve -
Period: to
Calvin Coolidge Presidency
Dawes Plan Signed
An attempt to solve the reparations problem in Germany at the end of WWI -
KKK Political Demonstration
The largest Klan event in history; 40,000 men and women marched down pennsylvania avenue in white robes -
Route 66 Completed
Route 66 is completed, the first highway to go across the country from Chicago to LA. -
First Transcontinental Flight
Calbraith Perry Rodgers was the first person to fly transcontinental in a single engine plane -
Kellogg-Briand Pact
an international agreement to attempt to settle disputes peacefully -
Period: to
Herbert Hoover
Agricultural Marketing Act
Established the Federal Farm Board aiming to promote agricultural cooperatives -
Black Tuesday
Most devastating stock market crash, also known as the Great Crash -
London Naval Treaty
An agreement between US, UK, Japan, France, & Italy for a reduction of military armament -
National Anthem
Star Spangled Banner -
Period: to
FDR Presidency
Reforestation Relief Act
Established Civilian Conservation Corps -
Federal Securities Act
first major federal legislation regulating the field of securities -
Gold Reserve Act
Required that all gold and gold certificates be in the hands of the US Treasury -
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act
Large public works program that allocated over four billion for the jobless -
Social Security Act
All younger people will support older people in retirement -
NAtional Housing Act
Make better housing availabke to lower income families