The Road To WWII

By PhanMan
  • Balkan Peninsula

    Independent States Created in Balkans
  • Ottoman Empire

    Ottoman Empire
    Ottoman Empire splits apart creating new countries
  • Period: to

    Weimar Republic

    Post WWI Republic in Germany
    Doomed from the start - unable to repeal parts of Treaty of Versailles
    Too many people vying for control
    Hyperinflation - loaf of bread - 1 mark in 1918
    200 billion marks in 1923
    RIse of Hitler - Fall
  • Rise of Hitler

    After WWI --> Munich after the war and joined a small right wing group called, the National Socialist German Workers´ Party, aka the Nazi Party
    Developed party´s identity
    Developed his own police force - Brown shirts
    Broke up town meetings and defended the Nazis to the public
    Good at getting people on his side
  • Modernization of Iran

    Reza Khan
  • Establishment of Communism in the Soviet Union

    Established by Lenin: NEP and Leninism
  • Rise of Mussolini

    King Victor Emmanuel III made Mussolini Prime Minister.
    Disappointed over Treaty of Versailles
    Rising inflation and unemployment

    Outlawed other political parties
    Secret police - Black shirts
    Women relegated to the home
    *Never achieved totalitarian state because of Catholic church, Monarch*
  • Mandates in Middle East

    British and French
  • Revolution in Turkey

    Revolution in Turkey
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    Nazi Party tried to take over the government
    Hitler sentenced to serve time in prison
  • New Leader - Josef Stalin

    New Leader - Josef Stalin
    Lenin has a stroke
    Stalin manipulates and rises to power
    Establishes a totalitarian type of government
  • Dawes Plan

    Intervening with German reparations by reducing and loaning money to Germany
  • Period: to

    Josef Stalin

    Russian Leader
  • Mein Kampf (Hitler Book)

    Mein Kampf (Hitler Book)
    ¨My Struggle¨
    Claimed Germans were the Aryan race making other races inferior
    Believes in Social Darwinism and pushed for more living space
  • Kellogg Briand Pact

    Kellogg Briand Pact
    Renounce War
  • Period: to

    Five Year Plan

    Foundation of Industrialization
  • Period: to

    Collectivization of Agriculture

    All the small farms are fused together to make a big farm
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    Consumerism (Credit)
    Stock Market Crash
  • Invasion of Manchuria

    Invasion of Manchuria
    Japan invade China
  • Hitler´s attack on German Culture

    Outlawed other political parties
    Controlled media
    Outlawed unions
    Remove Jews from government
    Scapegoat theory for Germany is that all German problems are caused by Jews
  • Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Ibn Saud created Saudi Arabia; Aramco - oil company created and co-owned with US
  • Rise of Hitler

    Nazi Party had 800,000 members
    Largest in Reichstag
    Pressure from other leaders and the wealthy --> Paul von Hindenburg named Hitler chancellor
  • Reichstag on Fire

    Reichstag on Fire
    Reichstag - Capitol
    Fire blamed on communists
    Used crisis to gain more power
    Enabling Act
    Allowed Hitler to set up a totalitarian state
  • Period: to

    Five Year Plan 2

    Rapid Industrialization
  • Night of Long Knives

    Night of Long Knives
    ¨Purges¨ Germany and takes out many competitors
  • Period: to


    8 million arrested
    Anyone competing with Josef Stalin
    - Gotten rid of using the Gulag System
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Jews lost citizenship, forbade intermarriage and relationships with non Jews
  • Full Scale War

    Full out war
  • League of Nations Fail

    League of Nations Fail
    US not a member
    Japan quits Manchurian invasion
    Mussolini invades Ethiopia - No action done
    Falls apart
  • Kristallnacht

    Attacked Jews
    Destroyed Synagogues, Businesses and Camps are made
  • Anchluss

    Austria votes to join Germany
    Sudetenland - Czechoslovakia
    Munich conference to talk about Hitler taking Czechoslovakia
    Europe Appeases to Hitler
  • Peace Pact

    German and Soviet Nonaggression Pact
    Invading Poland