League of Nations Founded
The League of Nations was created to promote internation cooperation and to prevent another war, The League and the most powerful countries in Europe, Britain and France, mantained a policy of appeasement looking over the events leading up to WWII. Hitler broke many promisees as his power extended across Europe. -
Treaty of Versailles is Signed
The Treaty of Versailles punished Germeny severely for the war. It gave Germany sole blame, made them reimburse other countries for war cost, decrease their army, and decrease their land. This created many bitter feelings in Germans which fed the next war. -
Hitler Becomes Leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party
Hitler led the party to criticize the German democratic government. He promoted the view that Germans were a part of an Aryan superhuman race and all others (eg. Jews, gypsies, Slavs) were inferior and to be eliminated. This view would feed Hitler’s overtaking of Europe and starting the next war. -
Nazi Attempt to Overthrow the Munic Government
The Nazis attempted to overthrow the Munich government but failed. As a result, Hitler was sentenced to prison. There, he wrote Mein Kampf (meaning “My Struggle), which expressed his views and won many people over. This helped him gain support and power, eventually lead him to taking over many parts of Europe and creating the next war. -
Mein Kampf is Published
Mein Kampf, Hitler’s book is officially published. This book expressed his views and won many people over. This helped him gain support and power, eventually lead him to taking over many parts of Europe and creating the next war.