Invasion of the rhineland
Hitler ordered German troops to march into the Rhineland.He took considerable risk because Germany in that moment was not ready for war and this would happened if french resist so that`s why many generals were unhappy. -
Reaction of the French and the British
Many British people approved of what Hitler had done ,this was German territory,and they thought German army had a right to be there.Also the British goverment sympathysed with this view.
Per side france,they decided to protest but not to fight. -
The plebiscite
Kurt made one last desesperate attempt to keep Austria independent.he announced a referndum to decided wether Austrians wanted their country to remain independent.He fixed the lowest age 24 years so nazis young could not vote.When Hitler heard about this he was enraged so he decided to invade before the plebiscite. -
The Anschluss
German take-over of austria and Kurt Schuschnigg had problems with local nazis.Austria was in a state of crisis,so Kurt visited Hitler for crisis talks,he was badly treated and Hitler told he that nazis be allowed to join the austrian government and be given control of law and order.Kurt felt he had no option. -
The sudeten Germans
The sudeten were known as germans speakers in Czechoslovakia concentrated in the border areas.The local nazi leader was Konrad Heinlein,he claimed that the sudeten germans were not treated fairly.Hitler told the sudeten leader to keep making demands tha the czechoslovak goverment coud not possibly accept.By dragging out the negotiations,he hope to create a crisis. -
Hitler prepares to attack
In April he visited Rome and was told by mussolini that Italy would supported Germany.On march Hitler let his generals know that he had decided to`smash czechoslovakia by military action in the near future´. -
Chamberlein flies to Germany
Chamberlein flies to Germany to see hitler.Chamberlein agreed with him that the sudetenland should be annexed by Germany .In return he ask Adolf not use force to take control.The next week he refused to accept the deal.So Chamberlein returned to London dissapointed. -
The munich conference
The conference did not involve any real negotiations .Britain and France simply agreed to give Hitler what he wanted.czechoslovakia was not represented and British and France ministers agreed with Hitler of the annexation of the sudetenland. -
The munich crisis
hitler was stubborn in attacking czechoslovakia,many of his leading generals disagreed because they think britain and france would get into but Hitler was saying otherwise.Henlein order local nazis to attack czech and jewish targets.As a result of the violence ,negotiations between th sudeten germans and prague were broken off. -
Meeting between Horace Wilson and Hitler
Chamberlein sent Horace Wilson to find a peaceful solution but he was completely denied.He repeat he would `smash czechs´.