Death of general warren at the battle of bunker hill american revolution

the road to the revolution

  • the french and indian war

    the french and indian war
    It was a 9 years war between france and great britain to determine who owned the territory of north america.
  • the proclamation of 1763

    the proclamation of 1763
    a british-produced boundary line in the appalachian mountains at the eastern continental divide. It stopped colonists from going past the line into french land.
  • the sugar act

    the sugar act
    british government tried to stop the illegal trade of sugar and molasses from the french into the colonies and it made the british richer and the colonist angrier.
  • townshed act of 1767

    townshed act of 1767
    a series of laws by the british parliament that taxed goods imported to the colonies, the colonies saw this as an abuse of power.
  • the boston massacre

    the boston massacre
    a confrontation where the british soldiers shot and killed some colonists in a mob and this led to a battle between them.
  • the tea act

    the tea act
    the british passed the tea act that granted the company the right to ship its tea directly to the colonies without landing in england first.
  • the boston tea party

    the boston tea party
    it was an american protest by the Sons of Liberty where the colonists dumped 342 chests of tea into the harbor.
  • intolerable acts

    intolerable acts
    laws passed by the british parliament in 1774 after the Boston tea party and it was meant to punish the colonists for it and made changes in the taxes.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    1st Continental Congress
    the first continental congress was a meeting of delegates from 12 of the 13 british colonies that later became america
  • stamp act of 1766

    stamp act of 1766
    they taxed the colonies more after the seven years war