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The Road to the Constitution - Javian Harris

  • Intolerable Acts

    These were acts made by the British to punish the colonies for their rebellious behaviors. These acts were seen to be unjust and caused even more rebellion and tension from those in the colonies having a major impact on the American Revolution.
  • Virginia Declaration of Rights

    This document stated that all men were made free and established some of the ideas that would be added to the bill of rights and become a big motivator for the revolution.
  • Common Sense by Thomas Paine

    This was the first document asking colonist to gain their independence, challenging the British.
  • Declaration of Independence

    This declared freedom from the British rule but also created a push to unite the colonies under a new government.
  • Influence of a Failing Government

    In the beginning, the colonies couldn't gain order and faced many issues. No one could decide if the government would lead on federal or state rule. This would bring up the constitutional convention.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    This made the nation consider if it should be state or federal run. This also was a factor in the constitutional convention.