Missouri Compromise
Entered Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. Prohibited slavery in new states above the 36 30 latitude line. -
Mexican American War
A war between the US and Mexico because the US annexed Texas in which Mexicans lived. The war was mainly a battle for land; Mexico was fighting for "their" property while the US wanted the land for more slave states. -
Wilmot Proviso
An attempt to make it illegal for slavery to be used in new territories. It didn't pass though. -
Compromise of 1850
A compromise between the North and South: the fugitive slave law was implemented and the slave trade was abolished in Washington, DC. -
Fugitive Slave Law
Laws passed that said any runaway slave to a free territory must be brought back to their master. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
An anti-slavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, that showed how slavery was and was said to be a main cause of the civil war. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act (Popular Sovereignty)
Act passed by Congress that allowed Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves if they wanted slavery in their own borders. This did violate the Missouri Compromise's 36 30 latitude line. -
"Bleeding Kansas" (Charles Sumner attacked)
This is when "Border Ruffians" went to Kansas and tried to force the people of Kansas to accept slavery in the state. Border Ruffians came from the pro-slavery state of Missouri. -
LeCompton Constitution
The Second of the Fourth proposed Constitution of Kansas. This constitution protect slavery holding and it had a bill of rights that didn't include free slaves. -
Dred Scott v. Sanford
The Federal Court decision that neither slaves nor free slaves had the right to sue and that the power to abolish slavery in new territories wasn't up to Congress. -
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
The seven debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas. These debates were for who was going to be the senator of Illinois. -
John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry
An attempt by John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. He was defeated. -
Election of 1860
Presidential election in which Abraham Lincoln was elected. -
South Carolina Secedes from the Union
South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union. James Buchanan ordered this act illegal but didn't do anything about it. -
Crittenden Compromise
The purpose of this compromise was to prevent any other southern states from seceding and starting the Civil War. This was a compromise to allow slavery in the southern states but not the northern states. Lincoln didn't accept the compromise. -
Attack on Fort Sumter
Open fire upon Fort Sumter in Charleston by the Confederates on the Union who were in the fort at the time. Robert Anderson surrendered the fort the next day and then the Civil War started.