
The Road To The Civil War

By Levi32
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This was when slavery was growing rapidly and the north and south wanted a way to find out which states would now be a free or slave so Henry clay came up with a conflict.
  • The Nullification Act

    The Nullification Act
    Due to the passing of tariff laws of 1828 and 1832 southern states like south Carolina felt that the tariffs were unfair and only supported the North.the federal govt. denied the south Carolina argument and then south Carolina then threatened to secede. Henry clay then made up a compromise to lower the tariff.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The new states that were won by mexico were trying to decide if they should be a free or slave so Henry Clay made a conflict to make California a slave state and congress would not pass laws banning slavery from the rest of the territories.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    This is the act that permitted the capture of African Americans who had fled to the north to escape slavery.
  • Bleeding Kansas 1855

    Bleeding Kansas 1855
    5,000 people that were from Missouri that were for slavery went into Kansas and voted illegally. Then anti slavery went and started there own govt. but were attacked by pro slavery forces.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Dred Scott was a slave that tried to sue for his freedom. He was counted as property so they didn't let him be taken as a person without due process of law.
  • Attack On Harpers Ferry

    Attack On Harpers Ferry
    This is a point when John Brown inspired slaves to fight for there freedom but none followed and he was captured with his men.
  • The Election Of 1860

    The Election Of 1860
    This is when Abraham Lincoln became president but he said he wasn't going to do anything about slavery but the south didn't believe him so the started to secede starting with south Carolina