French and Indian War
This was the war between the Natives Americans who sided with the French and the British and colonist. The British wanted to do this because it would give them more land to control, and the colonist supported the British because they wanted to own more land. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian war. This treaty proclaimed by the British, would make the French give up virtually all of their land. Thus allowing the British to claim it all. The colonist loved the idea because they would be able to get more land and more money from farming. -
Proclamation of 1763
This was a law passed by the British that stated, the colonist could not move past the Appalation Mountains in hope of preventing conflict with the Native Americans. The colonist did not agree with the British law because they wanted as much land as they could get. -
Sugar Act
It was a tax by the British government on sugar, molasses and other food products of the sort. The British made the tax so that they could pay for the cost of the war. This was not liked by the colonist because they were taxed on everything, and they did not want to pay more for sugar. -
Stamp Act
This was a tax by the British on legal documents, wills, newspapers, and any other kind of paper used. The colonist hated this idea because they already had enough taxes and did not want anymore. -
Quartering Act
This was where the colonist had to provide food, clothes, candles, and housing for the British soldiers that were stationed in the Colonies. The British loved this idea because they would not have to pay for every soldier in america. The colonist hated it because they didnt have much anyway and had to give up what little that they had. -
Writs of Assitence
This allowed customs officials to search any ships in the port at will. The British did this to stop the smuggling to America from England. -
Townsend Acts
This was a tax on houshold items such as paper, glass, lead, silk, and tea. The British had this tax so that they would have more money to pay off the debts of the French and indian war. The colonist boycotted and were relieved when the British finially repealed the tax. -
The Boston Massacre
This event was when an angry mob of colonist confronted a group of British soldiers, but the tension got high so British soldiers fired into the crownd and killed 5 men. This act was not tolerated by the British and 2 of the soldiers who fired into the crowd were given a lifelong sentence to prison. This helped the colonist in a way because it increased the anti- British fire that was spreading throughout the colonies. -
Tea Act
This was a tax put on all tea products going into America. The British did this to gain more money because there was an abundance of tea and the prices of it had been lowered. This meant to make more money the British would have to tax the tea. This made the colonist upset that they had to have yet another tax. -
Boston Tea Party
This was an act of rebellion by the colonist. They dumped over 90 pounds of tea into the Boston Harbor because they were heavily taxed on tea and they hated the idea of it. This act was not tolerated by the British so they limited the amount of tea sent to the COlonies. -
Intolerable Acts
These were laws that the British set stating that the port of Boston was to be closed and the colonist could not hold any town meetings. This was put togethor by the British as a punishment for the Boston Tea Party. This act made the colonies start to unify. That was becasue even though they all had their differences on thing was the same. They all hated the British. -
First Continental Congress
This was a meeting that for the 13 British colonys. It was a meeting about how we did not want to go to war with the British but if things didnt work out we would. In hope of not having to go to war the colonist wrote the Olive Branch petition. It was a peace treaty written in hope that we could work out the taxes and possibly levi them so we didnt have to go to war. -
Battles of Lexington and Concord
This was the very first militay confrontation of the war. In this battle the colonist forced the British to retreat so this was the colonist forst win. -
"Give Me Liberty" Speech
This was a speech by Patrick Henry telling the colonist that they needed to unite or they would all be killed by the British. The speech made the colonist think and eventually be called to arms in a war against the British. -
Second Continental Congress
The second continental congress met to discuss what they should do now. The reason they were doing this was because the British had rejected the olive Branch petition sent by the colonist. So the patriots made the decision to fight because peace was not going to happen. The congress made an army to fight the British and chose George Washinton to lead it. -
Fort Ticonderoga
This was when a small group of colonist captured an area controlled by the British the place they captured was called Fort Ticonderoga. This was key because it gave the patriots more weapons and ammutition to help them defend thamselves against the siege of Boston. -
Bunker Hill
This was the First major battle in the revolution. In this battle the famouse order was given, "Dont fire untill you see the whits of their eyes". The colonist lost this battle but they greatly reduced the British forces. -
Common Sense
This document challenged the British government and their ability to lead/ rule the Americas from a little island across the world and he also said that they didnt have to just trade with England but there were mant other places to trade with. -
Battle of New York
The british wanted to capture new york because that was where the main colonial army was. When the British attacked they took a severe toll on Washingtons men. Luckily Washinton made the smart move and retreated to avoid futher casualtys.This led to the British occupying New York for a time but they were eventually driven out. -
Declaration of Independance
This was when the colonist declared their independance from the British. They said it in a way that stated why they would be better off alone, and what the king was not doing for them. -
Battle of Trenton
This battle took place right after Washinton and his men barely escaped by crossing the Deleware River. After the colonist had regrouped and rested they snuck back over the river and into enemy territory.By doing this they were able to surprise the british and capture over 800 of their soldiers without losing a man. This led to the patriots winning the battl fo Trenton. -
The Battle of Princton.
This was another important victory by the american soldiers. It led to the colonist occupieng New Jersey once again. The colonist also captured 300 British soldiers. -
Battle of Saratoga
This was the turning point of the revolution. In this battle the French joined the colonist in hope of them gaining independance. The colonist won the battle and this basically meant the end for the British in America. -
Winter at Valley Forge
This was one of the coldest winters in the history of this area. During this battle Washingtons lost a good chunk of his men due to little supplies noclothes and the horrible cold they had to face. The worst thing they had to face was the frostbite which took out over 1/5 of his men. -
Battle of Yorktown
Washinton trappedgeneral Cornwallis between his own men and french ships so they coulndt ecsape. This led to a three week long battle. After three weeks of fighting the British surrendered and this was the end of the war. -
Treaty of Paris
This treaty was signed in paris and ended the war. It also made the British reconize the U.S. as a free counrty. last but not least it made the Americans give the land that they took fromthe loyalist and give it back to them.