Jefferson declaration of independence

The Road to Independence Timeline - Mr. Schreiner KH

  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The official peace treaty between US and Britain that concluded the revolutionary war and was signed on September 3, 1783. Britain allowed the 13 Colonies to be independent and free and Britain had no claim on the land/government the boundaries of the US allowed western expansions and was proven when the US grew west toward the pacific ocean. Around a year and a half later the battle of Yorktown, King George finally ratified the treaty.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    Parliament needed money to pay off costs from the 7-year war and the sugar act that was placed did not earn enough money, so they created the stamp act, but it caused huge protests because many people were not able to pay all of the taxes amongst others things, and the colonial leaders created a stamp act congress which included colonies sending delegates to NYC to attend meetings of the congress. Franklin convinced the parliament to remove the act, which came out to be successful.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    On March 5, 1770, sailors struck at a group of British soldiers, which made the British feel threatened. This began a war, and many people involved were arrested for murder when the officers pleaded and were agreed to their release. The British believed it to be over, but the colonists thought otherwise. After the massacre, the parliament repealed all taxes which made most relieved, but the colonial leaders were still angry with how the British were treating colonists
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    Year after the committees of correspondence came up the British parliament passed the tea act. The colonial leaders believed that the tea act was an attempt to seize control from the colonial government by doing multiple things they disapproved of, and they wanted something to do about it. Eventually, On December 16, 1773, Colonists in Boston dressed as Native Americans and dumped 300 chests of tea in the harbor.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    As a response to the Boston tea party, the parliament refused offers from others to pay for the tea, and instead of taking up offers, they passed harsh laws that punished Massachusetts colony, which gave it its name, intolerable acts. Colonies sent supplies to Boston and the committees of correspondence called meetings of all colonies to discuss how to act towards the problems they faced with Britain
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    Occurred September 5 - October 26, 1774. Delegates from each colony met at Carpenters Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and discussed the situation with the intolerable acts. letters were sent to King George III and expressed the issues that they had regarding how they were being treated, and demanded the acts to stop before they boycott English goods. The king chose to ignore them, whilst the boycotting began.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    After battles with Lexington & Concord, 20,000 militiamen that were from other colonies gathered around Boston. They could not attack. Boston then was surrounded on 3 sides by water and the British military was holding strong positions on the fourth side. The Continental Army moved to Boston. they had captured at Fort Ticonderoga, the colonists had heavy artillery and after the battle of bunker hill the British left Boston and 1000 loyalists fled as well.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    events were fought over who had the authority to impose taxes. The British parliament continued passing abusive laws and the colonists tried to argue the laws but more were passed and the colonists became angrier. The Second continental congress wanted to fight back and decided that the colonies needed to be independent from Britian