The River Merchant's Wife: A letter

  • When they where young

    When they where young
    She was playing by herself at the front of the gates. Then someone come by on bamboo and a play horse, acting like they where a horse " We went on living in the village". This is showing that they know they would love each other for ever. The word "we" is showing that they had a good friendship with each other.
  • At Fourteen

    At Fourteen
    At the age of fourteen they fell in love with each other, and they got married. He always know she was the one for him "I never laughed"(9). This shows that he always know they she was the one for him. The word "never" shows that he never thought twice and knew the person to marry.
  • At fifteen

    At fifteen
    At fifteen she stopped acting like a little kid. They started to have a stronger relationship with each other " I desired my dust to be mingled with yours"(12). This is showing that there love was stronger for each other than in the beginning. The word "mingled" is showing that they want to have have a family with each other.
  • sixteen

    At sixteen you left me, and you went to a far away place. You flowed the river down and it took five months. When " you have been gone five moths"(17). This is showing how long he has been gone for. The words "five months" is showing that he had been gone for a long time. He had never been back when he left five months ago.
  • so long

    so long
    He has been gone for so long, that he had missed a whole season. A lot of things are chaining "the moss is grown, the different mosses"(20). They have been gone for a long time they have missed meany season. In the quote the word "different" is showing how they been gone for a long time. He had been gone for a long time and they miss each other.
  • coming together

    coming together
    As she grow older, she started to talk with him about meet up place with each other. She need to know before she comes "Please let me know beforehand"(28). She wants to know if they can meet up with each other. The word "beforehand" she wants to know before, so she can be there when he is there. They still have a good relationship with each other.