The Rise to Power of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

  • Revives Underground Opposition group in Syria

    During his time in the 5th army in Syria, Ataturk reestablishes a secret opposition group
  • Greece's Invasion of Turkey

    Greece invades Turkish Anatolia for new territories promised by the Allies
  • Election to Ottoman Parliament

    Ataturk is elected to the Ottoman Parliament as head of the "Association for Defense of Rights for Anatolia and Roumelia", which wins a majority of seats.
  • Opens Grand National Assembly in Ankara

    Ataturk inagurates the legistlative body of the future Turkish Republic 5 This is important because it gave Ataturk increasing legitmacy in the face of chaos in Anatolia and a faltering Ottoman government.
  • Ataturk sentenced to death by the Ottoman government

    Ataturk is sentenced to death for leaving the Ottoman army after leaving it.
  • Elected head of Erzurum Congress

    At the conference, Turkish Nationalism is asserted, and mandate and occupation rejected. Paved the way for establishment of Turkish Republic
  • Treaty of Sevres ratified

    Brings an end to WWI in the Middle East
  • USSR pledges support for Turkish Revolutionaries

    USSR provides weapons and funds that greatly help Ataturk in his consolidation of power 4 This is important because much of the funding that allowed Ataturk and his allies to gain control of Anatolia came from the Russians, and was instrumental in their victory against the Allies' proxies (Greece and Armenia)
  • European disengagement from Anatolia

    The USSR, France, Britain, and Italy recognise the new government in Ankara and Italy pulls out of Anatolia
  • Ataturk and his army enter Istanbul

    3 Represents the biggest military victory against the occupying Greek Kingdom, and seals for the future the population exchange that allowed Anatolia to become largely homgeneous.
  • Ataturk takes Izmir

    3 Represents the biggest military victory against the occupying Greek Kingdom, and seals for the future the population exchange that allowed Anatolia to become largely homgeneous.
  • Armistice of Mudanya Signed

    Officially ends the Turkish War of Independence and the Greco-Turkish War 2 Gives Ataturk great legitmacy as the liberator of the Turks, allows his Ankara government complete control of Anatolia.
  • Abolition of Ottoman Sultanate

    Power is given to nationalist movement in Ankara
  • Ataturk elected President of Turkey

    Ataturk is elected the first president of the Turkish Republic
  • Turkish Republic Declared

    1 Realisation of Ataturk's ambition, allowing him to take control of its formative years and apply his vision to the new republic.