The Rise of Universal Education 1820-1900

  • Black Law

    Black Law
    Prudence Crandall accepted a black student in her class and all of the white students dropped. The town made it hard for the school to survive but not allowing her to purchase supplies needed. Black law came into effect that did not allow you to educate black students from another state without permission.
  • First Kindergarten

    Friedrich Froebel establishes the first kindergarten because he understood how important childhood development was after losing his mother at an early age.
  • Sex in Education

    Sex in Education
    Dr. Edward Clarke publishes this pamphlet that women would not develop their reproductive organs if they were challenged in education. This lead to women not being accepted into certain programs from the fear they would not be able to reproduce.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    This is an infamous court cause that basically made segregation legal. It stated that facilitates could be separated as long as they were equal. link text