The Rise of the war of ww1

By 20700
  • Franz Ferdinand visiting Serbia about a deal

    Franz Ferdinand visiting Serbia about a deal
    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand when he visited Serbia.
  • Period: to

    Begining of WW1

  • The war

    The war
    Belgrade getting attacked when the war started of Austria Hungary against Serbia
  • Austria Hungary going to war with Serbia

    Austria Hungary going to war with Serbia
    Accusing Serbia of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and declaring war
  • Germany declares war against Russia and France

    Germany declares war against Russia and France
    Since Austria Hungary declared war its alley Germany joined and declared war on France and Russia. Also during this Germany uses a Schrieffer plan that will take France then Russia and six million soldiers are sent to war against Russia and France.
  • Britain declaring war against Germany for ignoring their request

    Britain declaring war against Germany for ignoring their request
    Germany ignored Britain's demand so Britain declares war on Germany
  • During the war in the West

    During the war in the West
    The resistant of Belgium fights back while Britain and France help against Germany.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Ypres

    Where both sides try to gain ground but are equal and began trench warfare.
  • First navel battle

    First navel battle
    Battle of Heligoland Bight where Britain navel ship sunken 3 German Cruisers and also made a navel blockade to make Germany's encomium on their knees on surrendering.
  • Period: to

    Eastern Front

    Where Germany fighting Russia
  • Russia Losses

    Russia Losses
    Russia loses territory and troops being captured and getting pushed back also not having enough food supplies.
  • Period: to

    Poison Gas was introduced

    Germany used gas at the battle of Ypres
  • After that Both sides quickly provide gas mask

    After that Both sides quickly provide gas mask
    Both sides quickly provide gas mask for their troops cause of the gas that was brought of the battler of Ypres
  • R.M.S was sunken from Germany because the accusing of it being a supply ship

    R.M.S was sunken from Germany because the accusing of it being a supply ship
    It was sunken and killing 1,998 and some american's that enraged the U.S