2017 BCE
Hannibal invades Italy
753 BCE
Romulus founds (starts) Rome
According to tradition, on April 21,1753 B.C., Romulus and his twin Bother, Remus, found Rome on the site where they were Sukled By a she-wolf as phand infants . -
410 BCE
Visigoths sack Rome
347 BCE
Christianity declared sole religion by Theodosius I
30 BCE
Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
About a decade age, reading jim Bishop's The day Christ died, I realied that I had for years taken the crucifixion more or less for granted that I had grown callous to its horror by a too easy fromiliariy with our lord. -
27 BCE
Caesar Augustus becomes Emperor
As the -
Pantheon constructed by Hadrian
The world pantheon is a Greek abective meaning ''hour all Godall s. In fact the pantheon was fist built asatemple to Gods always try to include the panther on as part of our Rome segway tours so we pass by it on our Rome Day segway tour ,Rome Night segway tour and all Rome segway tour.Lately there quite an interest without Sun Day. A pian way segway Tour.