
The Rise of the Roman Empire

  • Nov 28, 1027

    Cantabrian War

    Cantabrian War
    The way the this might have helped the fall of the Roman Republic was that the Roman's didn't take the Cantabri as prisoners but as a form of slaves. Romans have abolished slavery but thr Cantabri would commit suicide before being under the rulw of Julius Ceasar. This could have helped the rise of the Roman Empire by the people wanting better control of their conquests or people.
  • Nov 28, 1031

    Octavian Defeats Atony and Cleopatra

    Octavian Defeats Atony and Cleopatra
    The Roman Republic fell once Cesar died and Antony betraying Rome. Antony married the foreigner Cleopatra and it was illegal in Rome. Octavian declared war on Cleopatra and they fled. Rome defeated Egypt and it was declared that Octavian was one of the most successful rulers for expanding the Roman Republic.
  • Mar 15, 1044

    Death of Julius Ceasar

    Death of Julius Ceasar
    Julius Ceasar caused the fall of the Roman Republic by no longer having the control of the Senates and Republic, People were also sad that Julius died and they turned against the Senate.This caused a civil war. This caused the rise of the Roman Empire by people wanting something better and to restore power.
  • Nov 28, 1044

    Octavian Takes Power

    Octavian Takes Power
    Octavian's power over Rome was the lead to the fall of Roman Republic by going against Antony. Not many people liked Antony and Octavian gined followers to defeat in what they believed in. This led to the rise of the Roman Empire by doing what he thought was best.
  • Nov 28, 1049

    Ceasar Crosses the Rubicon

    Ceasar Crosses the Rubicon
    This started and ended a war with Pompey. He crossed the Rubicon despite the Senate telling him not to. Not following the Senate could have started a fall from the Republic becasue the Republic was lead by the Consul and Senate. This could aslo be the start of the Empire because no one liked the Senates decisions.
  • Nov 28, 1061

    The First Triumvirate

    The First Triumvirate
    The death of Julius Ceasar, tie between Pompey and Ceasar , was a cause of the beginning of the fall of the Roman Republic. Since he didn't have the support he needed, they both turned against each other. This might have led to the rise of the Roman Empire because Octavian wanted the power of controlling and giving the people what they wanted.