The rise of the Nazis

  • Start and beliefs of the National Socialist Worker’s Party

    The National Socialist German Workers’ Party emerged in 1919 and the pushed for nationalism
  • In 1921 Hitler declared himself the party’s fuehrer (absolute leader)

    In 1921 Hitler declared himself the party’s fuehrer (absolute leader)
    In 1921 Hitler declared himself the party’s fuehrer which is the overall leader
  • Nazis gain support with various groups

    By 1928, the NSDAP was popular with people like farmers, small business owners, and the middle-class who felt ignored by the Weimar government. But the party did not increase its representation in the Reichstag because the economy was booming and the Nazi message was not appealing.
  • Great Depression and Impact for Nazis

    The Great Depression led many German voters to look to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. They won 230 seats in the election.
  • Reichstag Fire and Aftermath

    on February 27, 1933 Investigators found flammable material scattered around the Reichstag building in Berlin after it was burnt down, probably by Hitler
  • Concentration Camps Opening

    Concentration Camps Opening
    In 1933 Hitler authorized the construction of concentration camps. The were first used for political prisoners who disagreed with Nazi ideas
  • The Chancellor Deal

    Hitler was not prepared to accept anyone as chancellor but himslf, Hitler only had one supporter, Franz Von Papen. Franz believed that carefully chosen advisors could curb Hitler’s radicalness while using the voting power of the NSDAP. On January 30th 1933 Hindenburg agreed and offered the chancellorship to Adolf Hitler, which started the formation of his government
  • The Enabling Act

    On March 23rd, 1933 he Enabling Act allowed Hitler to govern without reference to the Reichstag and the chancellor could rule by decree
  • Hindenburg’s Death and the Aftermath

    Hindenburg died and Hitler took total control of the government, Hitler would be titled as the fuehrer and would act as head of state, government, and armed forces.
  • Rearmament

    Hitler reinstated the draft in 1935, he also introduces his four year plan, and vastly increases his army, it included 900,000 soliders, 8,000 aircraft and 95 warships
  • Anschluss-Austrian Takeover

    In 1938 Austria held a vote for there independance, Hitler claimed it was rigged, Hitler said they would invade and they did, they took control of Austria,
  • Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement

    On September 29th Hitler, Chamberlain, Benito Mussolini from Italy and Edouard Daladier from France met in Munich to resolve the crisis takeover. They signed an agreement approving the Nazi takeover of the Sudetenland, as long as Hitler wouldn’t go further into Czechoslovakia, he did two days later