Adolf Hitler is born
The Hitler family moves to Hafeld
The Hitler family moves to Lambach
Adolfs brother dies of measles
Adolf Hitlers dad, Alois dies
Hitler moves to Vienna to study fine art
Adolfs Mother dies of breast cancer
World War One Ends
Treaty of Versailles signed
Nazi Party is founded
Munich Beer Hall Putsch
The Nazi Party are banned
Adolf Hitler and other notable Nazi Party members are tried for the Putsch
Adolf Hitler Is released from prison
The ban on the party is lifted
The party is refounded
Adolf Hitler Surrenders His Austrian Citizenship
The great depression starts
Hitler Becomes Chancellor
Reichstag Fire
The "Enabling Act" was enacted, essentially giving Hitler the powers of a dictator
President Hindenburg Dies
World War Two Begins
Adolf Hitler commits suicide
World War Two officially ends with surrender from Germany