
The Rise of Hitler

  • Hitler Renames the German Workers' Party

    When Hitler Joined this party, he renamed it National Socialist German Worker's Party or, as we call it, the Nazi Party.
  • Munich Putsch Ends

    This was Hitler's attempt to overthrow the Government. When it failed he was sent to prison.
  • Hitler Released from Prison

    HItler was released from prison wy before he was supposed to be. About a year later his book was published.
  • Nuremburg Rally

  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

  • Granted Dictatorial Powers

  • Becomes Fuhrer

  • Annexes Austria

  • Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia

  • Jews Attacked

  • Poland Is IInvaded

  • Invasion in Denmark and Norway

  • Belguim, the NEtherlands, and Luxemburg invaded

  • Occupy Paris

  • Invades Soviet Union

  • "Final Solution"

  • Stalingrad Surrender

  • D-Day

  • Germany Surrenders