Imgres 2

Communism, unlike Confucionism, was able to bridge the class gap and inspire a sense of nationalism, something that ultimately propelled China forward

  • 551

    Confucius is born (long term nationalism and politics) B.C.E.

    Confucius  is born (long term nationalism and politics) B.C.E.
    His social theories, "Confuciansim" were used in China as a code of ethics starting around the time he died. China used Confucianism until the early 20th Century. Confucianism puts great emphasis on Hierarchies and class, and contradicteds Communism's focus on Equality. Also, Confucianism widened the gap between the rich and the poor, making nationalism impossible. This connects to ationalism and Politics. Confucianism also = arrogance towards outsiders-big theme for many centuries in China
  • Karl Marx is Born (Long Term Nationalism and Politcs)

    Karl Marx is Born (Long Term Nationalism and Politcs)
    Karl Marx, the father of communism, is born. Later, he would meet up with Fredreich Engels and together they would write the Communist Manifesto. Communisn would become a big part of European and Asian Politics in the 20th centurty. Communism had a great emphasis on nationalism and equality- it contrasted Confucianism and mostcholars thought it was barbaric and did not belong in China.
    This relates to nationalism and Politics The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains-Karl Marx
  • The Treaty of Shimoneseki

    The years of Recalitrance, intransigience, and xenophobia caused by confucianism had left China vulnerable to exterior threats. After years of dominating Japan, their "younger brother" had finally beaten them. This humiliated China, and made them realize they had to change. One of the changes: they welcomed , were more western thoughts, like Communism. Relates to imperialism, nationalism, and politics
  • Chinese Communist Party (CCP) founded

    Chinese Communist Party (CCP) founded
    After Shimoneseki, the Chinese became more open to new ideas. Thirteen men, (mao included) had a secret meeting in a school. After ten days, the party was launched. Chen Dixu, editor of the new youth magazine, was elected its founder. It was supported by the soviet Union and aimed to make peasants lives easier while ridding China of imperialism. Mao beleived that "like a fierce wind of tempest" the peasants will rise (Report on Peasant Movement in Hunan) Relates to Nationalism and Poltics.
  • Sun Yat Sen dies

    Sun Yat Sen dies
    Sun Yat Sen was the leader of the nationalist party. When he died, Chiang Kai Chek took over in command. Chiang was more of a general than a soldier, and was not as tolerant of the Communists. This lead to a split between the communists and the nationalists. Regardless, Chiang led a succesful campaign north, defeating many warlords that posed danger to communism. Still, his dislike of communists would cause the future communist harships.
  • Jianxi Soviet establishment and encirclement

    Jianxi Soviet establishment and encirclement
    After the split of the first united front, many communists retreated back to the Jiangxi soviet. Around 3 million people lived there. Times were very hard, as seen in "drain the pond" people would lick toliets just to get a little salt. But the hardship formed a bond, a unity, a sense of nationalism between the communistss. They beleived in their cause even if the goumindang encircled them. Relates to Nationalism.
  • The Long March

    After the Jiangxi was taken, the communists marched for months to find their new home. While marching, the communists gained support by spreading their idea of "land back to the tillers" (Mao Zedong New Democracy). The march also forged discipline and responsibilty in them, like "obey all orders in all your actions" (Mao Zedong, three principles of discipline. The march above all, accentuated the already present nationalism and pride of communism. Smilary to how Valley Forge rallied the American
  • Xi'an (Relating to Nationalism and Politics)

    Xi'an (Relating to Nationalism and Politics)
    The Communist party was nearly finished. They had been on the run for months and were about to be finished about by Chiang. But, Zang Xueliang seized control of Chiang's forces, and called for another united fronted. This not only saved the communist party, but it also stopped Chiang from pursuing "the new movemnet which aims at the promotion of regular life guided by the four virtues" (Essentials of new Life) which focused on returning to Confucianism- Which would have killed any nationalism.
  • Mongolia and Manchuria / war of reistance against Japan

    Mongolia and Manchuria / war of reistance against Japan
    The japanese invaded mongolia and Manchuria in an act of imperialism. The chinese united over their dislike for the japanese and common goal of protecting China. This added to their nationalism. The Chinese fought back with a united front-which could not have been possible with out Xian. The idea of a "common goal" could have never happened if they still adheared to a strict confucian system. Relates to nationalism and imperialism
    Relates to Nationalism, imperialism, and poltics.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    A day that will live in Infamy...The Chinese were getting their butts kicked by the japanese, and were receiving no support from any other nations. But, after Pearl Harbor, the allies supported anyone that opposed the Japanese. With the support of the allies, the Chinese were able to defeat the Japanese. With the japanese out of the way and a country united by nationalism, the communists were confident and ready to restore China to its former glory.