3500 BCE
Early settlers in the Nile valley
3100 BCE
Hieroglyphic script developed 3100- Narmer unified Upper and Lower Egypt
2700 BCE
First stone pyramid built
2600 BCE
Pyramids of Giza built
2200 BCE
Various kings ruled Egypt
2100 BCE
2055- Mentuhotep II gained control of entire country
Period: 2000 BCE to 1700 BCE
Agricultural development of the Faiyum Earliest parts of Temple of Karnak built Egyptians control Nubia
1700 BCE
Hyksos rulers took control of Delta region
1500 BCE
Hatshepsut became pharaoh
1400 BCE
Akhenaten changed Egyptian religion Tutankhamun became pharaoh Traditional religion returned
1300 BCE
Hypostyle hall built at Temple of Karnak 1274 - Ramesses II fought in Battle of Kadesh
1100 BCE
Upper and Lower Egypt split
800 BCE
728- Nubian king Piy conquered Egypt
700 BCE
671- Assyrians attacked Egypt
525 BCE
Persians conquered Egypt
332 BCE
Alexander the Great conquered Egypt
305 BCE
Ptolemy I became pharaoh
196 BCE
Rosetta Stone carved
31 BCE
Battle of Actium
30 BCE
Cleopatra VII died