Roman empire

The Rise and Fall Roman Empire

  • Octavian's defeat

    Octavian's defeat
    Octavian defeats Marc Antony at the battle of Actium ending the Civil War. Octavian declared war on the Egyptian queen Cleopatra Antony her lover and ally betrayed the Roman government and joined Cleopatra's side. The war then ended the Civil War and brought peace to the Roman state.
  • Rome's invasion

    Rome's invasion
    Rome tries to invade Persia. Rome invaded Persia by making aggressive inroads in the area.
  • Only living descendant

    Caesar is the only living descendant of the emperor of Augustus. Augustus and Liva married for many years and didn't have any children. Therefore, the people from the succession are children from previous marriages.
  • Period: to

    Caligula governs

    Caligula governs the empire.
  • Caligula is murdered

    Caligula is murdered
    Caligula is murdered by a tribune of the Praetorian guard. Caligula was declared emperor andhe began to act as if he believed he was a god. He built a temple for himself and forced people to pay taxes to him. People didn't like this so they began to plan his assassination. He was stabbed to death as he left the Palatine Games.
  • Religion cults is instituted

    The religions cult of Julius Caesar is officially instituted by the Senate.The religious cult is a religious group that deviates from the fundamental teachings.
  • A triumvirate is appointed

    A triumvirate is appointed
    A triumvirate is appointed with Marcus Antonius, the partner in Caesar's fifth consulship, and Octavius. The triumvirate was appointed by the senate to track down and punish Caesar's murders. It consisted of Lepidus, Antony and Octavian.
  • Death of Julius Caesar

    Death of Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar was killed, because he was stabbed 23 times because he became a dictator and they were afraid that he would become too powerful.
  • Declared dictator

    Declared dictator
    Caesar was declared a dictator because he was "too king-like." When people begin to gain to much power they tend to get scared,causing them to show hatred towards the person.
  • Employs Egyptian astronomer

    Employs Egyptian astronomer
    Caesar employs the Egyptian astrnomer Sosignes to work out a new 12 month calender. This calendar was based on the Moon and was used in the Middle Ages. It gave meaning and clues on which the pyramids were built.
  • Caesar's defeat Pompey

    Caesar's defeat Pompey
    Caesar defeats Pompey and Caesar pursues opposition forces commanded by Pompey to north-westen Greece. Caesar defeats Pompey by having the Senate appoint him dictator.