the rise and fall of the romanov dysnasty

  • Mikhail Romanov

    Mikhail Romanov elected tsar by the the national council, beginning the Romanov dynasty.
  • Period: to

    rule of Peter i ("the Great")

    Peter "the Great" was the first tsar to use the undertake the title of Emperor.
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    The Romanov empire expanded to include Crimea, Ukraine, Georgia and some parts of Poland
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia,Tsar Alexander i ordered the burning of Moscow, ultimately ending in Napoleon's defeat
  • Decembrist uprising

    Russian army officers try to force the new Tsar (Nicholas i) to introduce political reform during the Decembrist uprising
  • Period: to

    Crimean War

    the Crimean war results in a humiliating defeat to Russia
  • Emancipation Edict

    the Emancipation Edict abolishes serfdom in Russia
  • Assasination

    Alexander ii assassinated by terrorist organisation: 'the People's will'
  • Period: to

    The Rule of Nicholas ii

  • Splitting of the factions

    Russian Social Democratic party split into two factions: Bolshevik and Menshevik
  • start of the 1905 revolution

    Strikes in St Petersburg spreads quickly to other parts of the Empire
  • 1905 Revolution

    the serious of events and protests known as the 1905 revolution. In January the bloody Sunday shootings left hundreds of peaceful protesters dead. In February Russia's grand duke was assassinated. In May the first Russian 'soviet' was born. In June military mutinies occur. in August Peasants and minorities demand autonomy. in October Tsar Nicholas II releases the 'October Manifesto" subsiding some, not all, of the protests and strikes.