
The Rise and Fall of The Roman Republic

  • Romans began a republic

    Romans began a republic
    509 BC: The Romans set up a republic, which let citizens choose their own leaders. This then led to a democracy which we still use today.
  • Twelve Tables

    Twelve Tables
    450 BC: The Twelve Tables were carved on 12 bronze tablets and were placed in the Forum. These laws were for both plebians and patricians, they were mostly about wills, property rights, court actions and punishments. These laws organized the cities and became a foundation for all future Roman laws. In my opinion these laws also helped us create the laws we use today.
  • Argricultural Changes

    Argricultural Changes
    146 BC: Argricultural changes was how the Romans adjusted to the change after the Third Punic War and how it improved their environment and power. For example, small farms were replaced by latifundias, started to import their crops to North Africa and Sicily and the people working on the land changed. At first Romans didn't enslave the people they conquered but after being impressed by the wealth of Greece, Syria and Carthage, the Romans sent thousands of prisoners to Rome as enslaved people.
  • Decline of the Roman Republic

    Decline of the Roman Republic
    135 BC: The Decline of the Roman Republic came to an end due to taxes being demanded, the lost of land, economic and political independence and the essential problem was the gap between rich and poor expanded hugely.
  • Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus

    Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus
    133 BC: Reformers were people who tried to stabilize the gap between rich and poor. Tiberius Gracchus was the first reformer that thought the reason for the decline was because they took land away from farmers. As a result, he gave land equally to the rich and poor.
  • Lucius Cornelius Sulla

    Lucius Cornelius Sulla
    112 BC: Whilst Marius was in power, Sulla opposed him and had been given the military power that Marius wanted. Marius tried to get the assembly to take the command away from Sulla. Sulla furious by what Marius tried to do, was the very first Roman commander who led his soldiers against Rome! Civil war later broke out, when it was over Sulla made himself dictator of Rome.
  • General Gaius Marius

    General Gaius Marius
    107 BC: General Gaius Marius was a military hero who became a consul and he was also the first lower-class Roman to be elected to high office. His plan was to give all poor people access to join the army this resulted in a lot of people to have an occupation and a larger army. At the same time it helped and hurt the Roman Republic because the soldiers gave their loyalty only to the general who hired and paid them
  • Triumvirate

    60 BC: When Sulla retired, a trumvirate was created. This first triumvirate consisted of Licinius Crassus, Gnaeus Pompeius and Julius Caesar. They all fought to be the sole leader of Rome. When Crassus died, it was between Pompeius and Caesar, later on Pompeius was murdered. As a result in 58 BC Caesar was named governor of Rome. He built up a loyals and strong army, conquered what is now Northern France and Belgium and invaded Britain. The Senate feared he was growing too strong.
  • Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    46 BC: Julius Caesar became dictator of Rome!| Caesar did a conutless amount of things for Rome for example: redistributed state lands in Italy, founded new colonies oversas, began public works projects such as building roads and buildings, he paid for gladiatorial game which was free to the public, dobled the size of the Senate, gave Roman citizenship to Greeks, Spaniards and Gauls and created a calendaer similar to the one we use today.

    44 BC: With everything Caesar did for Rome, the Senate was still afraid he would use all his power to make himself king, so they made a plan to kill him. On 44BC he was stabbed to death about 23 times! People were angered about Caesar's death so many Romans turned on the people who had killed him. A triumvirate was careated and worked for a while, then a figh broke out between the three leaders the fighting ended in 31BC Octavian won, within four years he became the sole leader of Rome.