Jul 27, 1299
Osman establised the Ottman Empire.
At the age of 23, he became a brave and gracious leader to this new empire. -
Jan 24, 1326
Murad sets up the system to train Janissaries.
Janissaries were Christian boys, taken out of their homes, and were trained to become the Ottoman elite fighting source. -
Mar 10, 1453
Mehmed II reins over the empire for over 30 years.
While he was sultan many mosques, inns, baths, roads, and bazaars are built. -
Apr 20, 1453
Mehmed ll led the Ottomans to conquer the city of Constantinople.
The gave him much respect considering he was only 21. -
Jan 24, 1520
“Suleiman the Magnificent” started his reign over the empire.
He earned his name by creating a code of laws during the peak of the Ottoman Empire. -
Jun 24, 1566
After Suleiman I died, his son Selim II, at the age of 44 takes over the throne.
Unlike his father, he does not go and fight in battles and the government is unstable. -
The Ottomans began to fight with Persia.
Many poor leaders continued and made it so they were less of a threat to other countries. -
Abdul Hamid ii tires to reform the empire by adding a constitution and a parliament.
With all of his efforts, these reforms fail. -
The formally joined sides with Germany during World War 1.
This ended up being a negative choice for them because they joined with the losing side of the war. -
After losing the war, peace treaties are made, causing the end of the empire.
Even though they had great power for many years, the Ottoman Empire will be remembered for their strong leaders and diverse culture.